











Years of Service

100 XP
I read this story long time ago on xossip. Somehow, this story captured my heart. After xossip was shut down I was unable to find this story. I hope there are a lot of members here who have read this story and also those who haven't. I would like to post this story written by Pinuram. Thank you.

Forbidden Love by Pinuram​












Years of Service

100 XP
Part 1 First Love


Chapter -1: The Invitation.


It was end of November 2000; I was in my final years of my college, completing my 22nd winter on this earth. In Kolkata, winter had already reached. Foggy mornings and dew drops on the grasses made me nostalgic. That day was Sunday, so I was lazily turning the newspapers and was reading the headlines and sipping a hot cup of tea. Mom was in the kitchen and dad went to market.

The door bell rung.

Mom asked me to open the door; probably the newspaper man has come for the monthly bill.

I went downstairs only to find a middle aged person, probably of 40 years and a lady in her late thirties stood at the door.

The person asked me whether my mom was at home or not. I nodded affirmatively.

He introduced himself as a cousin of my mom.

I ushered them inside and they rested themselves in the drawing room.

My mom came to drawing room and was astonished to see them.

She exclaimed ---“After long time, Shasanko, what is the news. And this is your wife Meghna? Good to see you both. After a very very long time”

I came to know, Shasanko was my mom’s cousin brother. Shasanko were three brothers and three sisters. It was the marriage ceremony of their youngest brother Subroto. During their talks I came to know their youngest sister was still unmarried and they were searching for a perfect groom for their little sister.

So by relation, Shasanko was my maternal uncle (mama) and Meghna was my maternal aunt (mami).

They all lived in their ancestral house in village. Their village named Baduria, interior in Kolkata region. My mom’s was a school teacher; her school was also in the same village. Also I came to know, when my mom started her teaching, she used to live at their house.

I was born at their house, few years before, probably 2 years before my birth, my mom’s aunt gave birth to their last female child, the youngest sister of Shasanko.

My mom told me stories, how her little cousin sister, whom every one used to call Suchismita, used to play with me.

My mom and dad shifted to Kolkata when I was five years old, so I have no memories of my baby days, what I used to do with Suchismita.

But my mom told me, Suchismita was very, very naughty, as every youngest child in a family and used to love me very much, as I was the only person who was younger to her. She used to take me to the mango orchards, used to take me with her to every place she went. I was like her baby doll, with whom she used to play a lot.

In village, all have big families. So was the same with Shasanko. They were in total of six siblings. And he and Meghna was a proud father of an eight years old prince.

My mom and dad accepted their invitation to be present for the wedding of their youngest brother.












Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 2: The first meet


The marriage ceremony was in second week of December.

So on a fine sunny morning, we started for my Mom’s aunt’s house in village.

The bus left the city and was running among the green fields. I was sitting by the side of the window and somehow I was trying to dig into my head, how Suchismita would look like. She used to play with me in my childhood days, gave me warmth in cold nights.

I was engrossed in my thoughts, my mom nudged me.

---“Baduria is near. We will be getting down in the next stop.”

After we got down, my mom told me that we have to walk some two to three kilometers to reach their home.

I asked whether there were rickshaws or not.

My dad wisely told me ---“Beta, village airs are full of oxygen. We are near to the earth and nature, so we should take a walk.”

Ok, Dad’s words, no one can deny him.

During the way, my mom told me stories of Suchismita, how she used to play and love me very much. After hearing all those stories I was very eager to see that lady.

After sometime we reached mom’s aunt’s house.

The house was a big one. Mom’s uncle was a big farmer, but he passed away long ago. The eldest brother, Sumanto, took the reins of their dilapidated family and educated all his brothers and sisters. He himself could not study further and kept on farming.


As we entered the huge house, every where I could feel people running and enjoying the ceremony.

I was a total unknown person in that crowd. My mom introduced me with her aunt; I bowed down and touched her feet. Then she introduced me with everyone of that family. But Suchismita was nowhere in sight. I felt hesitated to ask for her, I thought it would be unwise. My mom asked Meghna Aunty about Suchismita. She answered, that Suchismita might be somewhere doing something mischief with her friends. She was the youngest of all so she was always naughty and mischievous from childhood days.

I was looking at my aunt Meghna while my mom was chatting with her; she was a beautiful lady in her mid thirties, round face, dark black long hair, and big black eyes. She wore a yellow saree with red border, which made her skin even glow. From her side, I could see the bulge of her bosoms. She possessed shapely twin mass of soft flesh on her chest. Her waist lines quiet a shaped one, I won’t say that it was like a model figure, but I could assume her waist line to be good enough and then her broad hips and bottoms, well round shapely I suppose, covered in yellow saree but gave her structure a beautiful shape to imagine. I was caressing her all over with the corner of my eye.

Suddenly a bunch of girls passed from the side with all laughing and carrying some flowers and Meghna aunty called up one of the girls --- “Suchismita, come here, Ulupi di is searching for you.”

Out of the bunch, a sweet girl in her early twenties came forward. Her face was gleaming with bright smile of thousand volts.

She bowed down to touch my mom’s feet and my mom embraced her, held her chin and gave a kiss on her forehead.

Mom ---“Paree (Suchismita’s pet name), you have grown up to be a beautiful lady.”

I was eyeing this beautiful girl; she was dressed in a pink gorgeous sleeveless salwar suit which suited very well on her figure. Her hair was long and tied in a bun on her nape. There was jasmine flowers tied to her tresses which gave a sweet smell. Her skin colour was creamy white and soft. The winter rays of the sun gleamed on her skin. Her face was of oval shaped and smooth skin. When she smiled, it dimpled on her cheeks that made her smile and face more beautiful. I was taken aback by her beauty. Her slender arms and legs bereft of any hair were smooth like satin.

She gave me a queer look --- “This might be Abhimanyu, your son.”

Mom nodded affirmatively --- “You remember, in child hood days you used to play with him, take him along with you everywhere you went.”

She pointed at me and said --- “Ohh, so Abhimanyu has grown up a big boy.”

As she smiled looking at me, the words that emanated from those rosy red lips felt like honey in my ears.

She then said --- “Ok, Ulupi di, I am in a bit hurry, I will catch you later.”

Then she looked at me and said --- “Hi, Abhimanyu, you can call me Paree as my loved ones call me. I will surely catch you later. I have lots of works to do.”

Meghna aunty smiled at her --- “You are doing nothing, except mischief.”

On hearing that, Paree (now onwards let us call Suchismita as Paree) --- “Ohh, my darling sister-n-law it is our time to enjoy.”

Saying so, she giggled away and got mixed up in the crowd of the marriage.

The sweet smell of those jasmine flowers lingered in my nostrils.

Then my mom and dad and Meghna also went away, asking me that I should mix up and enjoy.

But I was new to everyone; I did not know where to go or what to do.

My mom and dad were nowhere in sight, they got mixed up in the crowd and was chatting or doing something elsewhere.

I went upstairs, with a cup of coffee. Leisurely taking a brisk walk to look around the house. It seemed everyone was busy of doing nothing.

I walked up to the roof and stood at one corner, beholding the beauty of the village and nature.

Downstairs I saw that very bunch of girls in the open space in front of the house.

Paree was looking like a princess in her pink salwar suit, surrounded by her maidens.

From top, I looked intently at her, devouring her beauty. She was a proud owner of an hourglass figure. Her well shaped arms, smooth glowing skin. Her chest was adorned with a pair of perfect shaped melons, not too big neither too small. I was trying to imagine, what it would feel like, if she cuddles me like old days.


Her hind globes were also shapely and round. Full of flesh, but as her salwar cupped her figure; I could imagine that there was not an ounce of unnecessary flesh around her figure anywhere. From the top of third floor, I could not gather much of her beauty. Only that, I was feeling to have my crush of my own mashi.

Nothing to be done for the whole afternoon, I felt.

After some time the girls passed away, from the courtyard to somewhere out of my sight.

Chapter 3: Beauty Captivated


I was again alone standing with my thoughts, what if she does not ever come to talk to me. But then I thought that why should she would not talk to me, I was only her cousin sister’s son. No harm in talking.

The sun was reaching the west horizon. Everyone got busy in dressing themselves in their best dress to attend the marriage. As we were from the groom’s family, so I had to be a part of the groom procession.

I came to know that, the bride’s house is somewhat four hours journey by bus to a place called Ranaghat, and the time of marriage was at late night.

I generally, being a Bengali, wear Dhuti and Punjabi in the marriage ceremonies of my near and dear ones.

So that day also I wore my patent Dhuti and Punjabi. And except groom, I was the only person to wear that dress, so I was easily being identified.

Every where was a chaos of getting dressed up.

The sun went down, the marriage house lit up with thousands of bulbs and tubes.

I was again alone in the crowd, with my senses of Paree.

I felt a tug on my arm, as I looked over my shoulder, I saw a boy of probably eight years old calling me.

I asked ---“What happened?”

---“Hi, I am, Dushtu, everyone calls me dushtu and I am Shasanko’s son.”

---“Ok, glad to meet you, dushtu.”

---“My youngest aunt, Paree, is calling you in the courtyard.”

Oh!!! My god, at last, god answered my call I thought. Well Paree, was looking for me. I felt like turbulent waves crashing in my heart.

But I asked dushtu ---“Why, is she calling me?”

That naughty small boy giggled at me --- “Go and meet her and ask yourself why she is asking about you.”

Saying that, the boy vanished in the crowd somewhere.

While I was walking towards the courtyard, I felt my heart thumping hard in my chest.

The evening was cold, but even after that I was feeling warm due to anxiety of meeting Paree.

As I stepped in the courtyard, I found Paree standing there with few other ladies, among them my mom was also present and all air in my chest was blown away.

Mom looked at me and called me near --- “Come, where were you all day long.”

Paree also asked me playfully --- “Yes, Abhimanyu, where were you for the whole day.”

I could not mutter the truth, that I was engrossed in your thought for the day.

Mom told me that the bus would leave at six pm from here, so where ever I stay I should not be late for the bus.

Paree was dressed in a gorgeous black saree with heavy embroidery of golden threads. She was looking just like an angel fallen from heaven on earth.

Paree came to my side and touched my arm and told to my mom --- “Don’t worry Ulupi di, I will take care as I took care of him in childhood days.”

As she touched my arms, I felt goose bumps all over my skin. Umm….. What a soft touch, a strange sensation ran down my spine.

She stood by my side; she would be of five feet four inches I assumed a few inches shorter than me. Again her sweet jasmine fragrance filled my nostrils.

I looked at her, what a beautiful lady she was. Full ripe with her youth and beauty. Big black eyes, trimmed dark black eyebrows just like whip. Pouting yet luscious red lips. Carved chin, chiseled nose.

She looked at me and asked me to walk with her.

I was speechless, and felt mesmerized by her beauty. Walked along with her.

Paree asked --- “So, you don’t remember anything of our childhood days.”

I nodded negatively.

She started talking to me --- “You, I heard is good in studies and doing well in college.”

I nodded again positively.


---“You are looking very handsome in this dress, Dhuti and Punjabi. Do you love to wear this type of Bengali dress in every occasion?”

I nodded negatively. I was speechless as my ears were filled with her sweet voice. I was only a mere spectator and she was doing all the chatting.

---“I did my B.Sc in physics; I heard that you are also in the same stream?”

I nodded again.

---“I wanted to study, but my mom is adamant about my marriage now-a-days. Basically it was my idea to call Ulupi di (my mom), as she had her higher studies and now she is working as a teacher in the same school where I used to read. I thought your mom could pacify my mom to take up my higher studies so that I also can be a teacher.”

I nodded and was walking with her silently. She was holding my left arm lightly; our fingers were touching at time, sending a sweet sensation along my spine. At times whenever I looked at her, my gaze always travelled to her upper chest. The part exposed out, the upper bulge of her bosom, soft melons of pure female flesh.

Ufff …. What it would feel like to have a handful of those melons in my fist, I thought.

---“I have explained my views to your mom, and Ulupi di is waiting for a perfect time to tell my mom about my ambitions. I know she will not ignore your mom. I have heard that your mom used to love me as her own daughter and my mom used to obey her very much. Time has passed for long, and we were definitely not in touch. But few days earlier my mom talked about your mom, and expressed her deep regards she even now has in her heart for Ulupi di. So I am sure that if Ulupi di tells my mom, she will not ignore.”

She looked up at me.

---“What do you think Abhimanyu; my mom will let me to pursue my higher studies?”

I looked up at the dark sky gazing at the stars.

---“Hey, Abhimanyu, from last few minutes I am the person who is doing all the talking. Do you have tongue in your mouth or not. You have not said a single word, just nodded your head like a donkey. What happened to you, say something?”

I looked up in the sky, gathered all my courage and the words that came out of my mouth: “You are very beautiful, Paree.” Saying that, I closed my eyes tightly, expecting a harsh slap on my face.

Paree suddenly stopped walking, left my hand and looked up at me ---“So, you were actually not hearing any of my words, and such a naughty boy you are that you are imagining your own aunt.”

She slapped hard on my hand ---“You naughty boy, you are very naughty”.

I muttered all my courage to look down at her, as she stood in front of me in a corner of the courtyard.

---“Not actually, I heard whatever you said, but you are very beautiful.”

---“Naughty boy, anyways thanks for the compliments.” She smiled at me.

I asked her --- “Why are you not with your friends?”

Paree said that her friends were invited for the reception and not for the marriage ceremony. As she was much younger so she was feeling left out in the crowd.

I was about to touch her, take her palms in mine, when I heard my mom calling us that the bus was leaving for the marriage so we must get on to the bus.

I thought what a wrong timing was that?

Paree sensed that my hand was approaching hers; she giggled and ran away towards the bus.

While leaving me alone there she said to me --- “I will be waiting….”












Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 4: First Kiss


Everyone got on the bus; it was a two by two luxury bus. Mom and dad, uncles and aunts. The crowd in the bus was very much merry making. My eyes were searching for Paree only, in that crowd.

Ahh!!! I found Paree standing at the last but third seat.

She called out my name ---“Abhimanyu, come here, I have got someplace to settle down.”

I again obeyed her like a faithful donkey. She took the window seat and I sat beside her. The crowded bus was warm. Everyone was talking in their peak of their voice.

Bus started for the journey. As the journey would be a long one, so my mom suggested that we should sing and dance in the bus.

Everyone nodded affirmatively. So who will start was the question.

The elders suggested that the younger generation should engage themselves in the sing and dance.


We sat close to each other; our arms were touching each others. Paree was giving a queer look to me, but was not saying a word. I thought that I might have dropped an atom bomb, so better to keep quiet.

From somewhere, someone shouted ---“Where is Paree, we have not heard of her for a quiet long time after the bus has started. This is very unusual behavior of Paree.”

I brought down my face near her ears ---“Paree, what happened. Have I said something wrong, I am sorry. See everyone in the bus is looking for you.”

She looked at me with her deep gaze --- “I thought that you were attentively hearing my plea, but see you have heard none. You simply don’t understand how I feel, I want to study.”

---“I am sorry, Paree. I have heard all your words. Now please answer them, all the people are looking for you.”

I seemed to find some bead of pearls dropped from her eyes. But she was a brilliant lady to hide her feelings.

She called out in her top voice laughing---“Paree is here.”

Some lady from the front called Paree to her.

She stood up and looked at me ---“Give me passage.”

The seats were crammed up. Paree squeezed to get out, while doing so her fleshy bottoms touched my upper arms sending a lightning sensation all over my spine, again. My chin touched her spine, the back of Paree, the exposed space between her waist and blouse. Her skin felt smooth as silk on my chin. I held her narrow waist to help her get out of the place. Perhaps, while I touched her waist, I caressed her smooth skin little bit. On touching her creamy skin, goose bumps rose all over my skin.

Paree looked behind over her shoulders and squeezed her nose playfully.

---“Coming back shortly, Abhimanyu.”

But as usual, as she was the most sought after lady in the bus, being the youngest sister of the groom and also she had a beautiful voice for singing, she was caught in a web of relatives and friends.

The bus went on, cutting through the dark winter night.

All the relatives inside the bus started singing and dancing along with Paree.

Paree got lost in somewhere in the crowd again.

No that was not purely true, at times she was looking at me with inviting eyes, pleading me to join them.

But as I was a not much of a social animal, I was hesitant to join.

After sometime, after much of dancing, everyone got tired, so someone suggested that the younger’s should play antakshari.

It seemed ok with everyone.

So Paree, first started with a song --- “Piya tu aab to aaja,……” and constantly looked at me with corner of her eyes.

Many people in the bus might have felt something brewing up, but mom and dad was sure, that since she was my Masi (Aunt), so there was nothing serious.

After that I felt the urge to show what I was feeling. I gathered all my courage to start singing.

---“Tujhyee dekha too yeh jana sanam.. Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam….” The then hit song from Sharukh Khan’s movie DDLJ.

Paree was taken aback, in fact everyone on the bus was taken aback to hear a new voice out of nowhere.

Voices rose, enquiring about me.

Paree came to my help, ---“This is Abhimanyu, and he is son of Ulupi di, sitting over there.”

Many elders exclaimed ---“Good god, Ulupi, your son has grown up.”

Paree was now by my side, she said to everyone that we could play antakshari while being seated also.

Thank god, at last, I would get some time to sit with her.

So everyone got seated on their seats.

I was sitting at the aisle of the bus so Paree kneeled down over the seat resting her arms over my shoulders. I could feel her soft bosoms crushing on the back of neck. She rested her chin over my head and her both hands around my shoulders. The soft fleshy warm bosoms felt awesome although those fleshy mounds were covered with clothes.

Again the songs started to flow from every corner of the bus.

The movement of the bus helping me to enjoy the soft touch of her boobs and she was combing my hair also with her thin fingers.


Mom might have noticed with the corner of her eye, as what all was going on, but probably she ignored. As we all were grown up people.

One by one, the voices dropped.

People were getting tired and then after thirty minutes or so, the songs stopped.

Paree yelled ---“So is there no one to continue?”

Mom said --- “No Paree, no one. Everyone should take some rest now. It is about 8:30 night, we will be reaching the venue by 9:30 or so. So to look fresh one should take rest.”

Being a teacher, my mom has a commanding voice and every one obeyed.

Paree sat comfortably beside me on the seat by the window.

The bus was racing through the dead night. Now only the sound of the bus grinning could be heard. She rested her head on my right shoulder and looked outside.

She has not brought any winter clothes so as she could show her saree and her make ups and all. After all that was her youngest brother’s marriage.

I felt that she might be feeling cold, so I wrapped my cream Kashmiri shawl around her.

I touched her round shoulder while wrapping my shawl and asked her --- “Why so quiet, Paree?”

Paree ---“Thank you for the shawl, I was really feeling cold. I should have bought some warm clothes with me. I am a dumb.”

---“No no, you are not a simple dumb, but a beautiful dumb.” I laughed and teased her.

Paree ---“Shoo away, you naughty boy.”

---Can I ask you something?”

Paree ---“Ok”

---“How was your college days?”

Paree --- “Good, nothing special”

---“Do you have any boyfriend?”

Paree looked at me with her big eyes ---“Why asking so?”

As she looked up at me, our face came within millimeters of reach to each others. I could feel her warm breath all over my face and similar she could feel mine.

---“No, just like that, I mean, you are such a beautiful girl with a good amount of brain in that head. So definitely I thought that you might have lots of boyfriends.”

Paree smiled naughtily at me and squeezed her nose ---“Am I smelling some heart burns somewhere? You should not eye your auntie, Abhi.”

ABHI, she said my name in abbreviated form, sounded like koel chirp in my ears.

A long breath escaped from my mouth as I looked straight --- “No. Never, why should I be jealous of someone.” But actually in my heart I felt a bit of jealousy on that unknown face.

Paree ---“No, Abhi I had none. No special boyfriends as such. Everyone was friendlier with me, but I did not felt something happening in me with all those guys around me. Some feelings deep in my heart had not happened to me which I can as attraction. Till today I have not felt something like that.”

---“Does that mean you have closed all the doors of your heart, so that no one could enter.”

Paree --- “No, not that, till today I have not met.”

Again as I looked at her face, there was some inviting look in her eyes.

Paree ---“Till today I meant to say, I did not say till now, dumb ass.”

Oh God! Did she mean that she was falling for me? Huge waves came crashing on the shore of my heart.

---“Paree why had you said all those words to me this evening, at courtyard?”

Paree --- “I felt so, just like that. Something I can’t explain. Now stop talking. Let me have some rest.”

I gently placed my right arm around her narrow waist and pulled her nearer me. She nuzzled comfortably on my right enjoyed the warmth of my body and rested her head on my right shoulder and closed her eyes. My fingers caressed her bare skin of waist near her small round soft belly.

In the dim light of the bus, she looked like an angel, resting quietly in my arms.

After sometime someone from the front announced that the bus would reach the venue within minutes so everyone should get up.


I shook Paree gently to wake her up --- “We will reach the venue within minutes, get up and get properly dressed.”

She looked at me with sleepy eyes --- “Oh!! No. Why so early?”

The bus reached the venue. My mom came to my seat and asked Paree to get up.

That when I felt that my mom treats Paree as her daughter also.

Mom ---“Paree, my golden angel, get up, see we have to get down.”

On hearing my mom’s voice, she got shaken, straightened up herself, rubbed her face and took out her purse to have her last minute makeup.

Everyone got down from bus except us, as she was engrossed to finish her makeup on her face.

I stood up, bent down; my heart was racing like a Ferrari.

Sensing my warm breath on her head Paree looked up. Our eyes met in some passionate love. I gathered all my courage, every bit of strength from the abyss of my heart and closed my eyes and kissed her forehead.

Then with a leap, I hurried down from the bus so as not to look into Paree’s eyes. I could not even look behind as to see what she was doing.












Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 5: Sorrow and happiness.


I got down from bus, Mom took me to a side, my heart thumped very fast, anticipating that she had sensed our closeness and was going to give me a good beat down.

Instead my mom said to me that every one of groom’s house would be having their dinner by 11o’clock and then leave. She asked me what was my intention, whether to stay or to go with others.

I said that I would be staying; I wanted to enjoy the marriage till end.

“OK” said mom and she gave me permission to stay.

So again, as the groom’s party arrived there was all chaos all over the place of the bride.

Paree was again lost somewhere in the midst of the huge crowd.

I sat there at the marriage venue with the groom, Subroto.

The Brahmins were performing all rituals. I had nothing to do except idle sitting.

At times I saw Paree roaming all over the place busy in doing nothing. She was definitely having a great time.

Once she came to me my heart started to beat louder ---“Hey, why are you sitting like a duck over here. Come with me.”

While she talked to me she did not looked at me. And I was also not looking at her.

---“Err no, it is better here. Lots of ladies are always with you. I feel bit uncomfortable surrounded by ladies.”

Paree ---“Ummm….. Ok then sit. But don’t forget to have your dinner. Everyone is going to leave after dinner, only few friends of Subroto Dada are going to stay.”

I told her that I have got permission from my mom that I will be staying.

She looked at me inquisitively ---“Do you mean to say that I should also stay?”

---“Depends upon you.” I laughed out.

Paree, bit angrily---“Ok, you will come to know what I can do?” and she went away.

Groom’s party finished their dinner. Every one of my relatives were about to leave.

Paree was adamant about staying with the groom.

My mom tried to persuade her ---“Paree, no ladies are going to stay, how can you stay here. What will your mom think?”

Paree playfully embraced my mom ---“You also treated me as your daughter once, so in that sense you are also like my mom, so just give me permission to stay. Please please please.”

On hearing her pleas, my mom called me ---“Hey, you, take care of her she is going to stay here all night and look after her else you will be in trouble.”

Inside my mind I was laughing very loudly, but with a very obedient look on my face I nodded and confirmed them that I would look after Paree.

Paree winked at me. She kissed my mom’s cheeks ---“My good Didi Mom, thank you very much. I will not be a naughty girl now.”

We bid adieu to the groom’s party.

Paree then again went away somewhere. I saw Paree running down to the ritual place with my shawl around her.


From behind, her twin fleshy bottoms, swayed beautifully in front of my eyes. I felt the urge to touch those soft mushy mounds and kiss those.

As the night grew older, the crowd got thinner. People from bride’s house were also leaving. From groom’s party, there were only five persons present, two of Subroto’s friends, eldest brother and Paree and myself.

The main ritual was about to start and it was already 12 o’clock in dead night. Paree stood by my side, close enough that our arms were touching each other’s. Paree’s fingers sometimes brushing on my mine sending electrical pulses on my arms. We were avoiding to look into each other’s eyes, by looking straight to the fire of the ritual.

One lady came to Paree and asked whether she needs to retire somewhere for some forty winks. She nodded her head negatively.

I requested Paree to take a brisk walk with me, which she obediently accepted.

We were walking down the lonely dark road. Paree wrapped my shawl closely over her body to get bit of warmth. Her arms folded across her chest as she walked close to me. She was looking down at her feet. Both of us were silent. I thought someone should break the ice.

So I muttered some strength in my voice ---“Paree, what happened, why you are not saying anything?”

Paree --- “So you think that nothing has happened? Do you?” Her voice trembled a bit.

---“What have I done?”

Paree --- “So you want to say you have done nothing? Lightning stroked me, do you know? I could not get up from that seat for quite some time.”

---“I just felt some urge deep inside my heart, to express something. That’s all.”

Paree was still looking at her feet, walking slowly ---“Everything went black in front of my eyes. The sensation, it happened to me like a lightening thunder.”

I stopped in the middle of the road, touched Paree’s shoulders and stood in front of her. I looked down at her, placed my right index finger on her chin and slowly pushed her face up. Her eyes were closed, lips shaking in some forbidden anticipation. Her long eyelashes adorned her beautiful eyelids. She still had her arms folded across her chest clasping my shawl around her tightly. I slowly bent down, brought my face near to her. I could feel her warm breath; I could even hear her heart thumping louder inside her chest. Her well shaped bosoms, heaving up and down with every long breath she took inside her. My nose touched hers. Even in the cold December night, our nose tips were sweaty. Our lips were only few millimeters from each other, but I could not gather enough courage to kiss her beautiful lips or say something she was anticipating to hear.

With a long sigh, Paree opened her big eyes, glistening with tears. Her nose tip became red. She broke the dead silence running between us, with tearful eyes and shaking voice she said to me ---“I can’t do, Abhi. I can’t do. Go away. Just go away from my sight.”Saying so, she ran towards the marriage venue.

I stood there in the dark lonely road, dumbfounded. Feeling very lonely, with no one around. I felt the urge to puff a cigarette.

While puffing the cigarette, I asked myself, what am I, Who am I, Who is Abhimanyu? I felt in somewhere in some dark corner of my heart, that I am a loser. My vision got dampened, probably by the smoke of the cigarette or may be my tear buds have started to flow. I have no right to hurt anyone. I have no right to hurt Suchismita in any cost or any sense. Something was not happening right.

Some relations were forbidden in our human culture. Both of us were social animals, lived in a society.

I was walking slowly, back towards the venue, engrossed in all these thoughts.

From distant I heard a male voice calling my name.

I looked up and saw one of Subroto’s friends calling me. Asking me to come quickly, the marriage ritual has ended and everyone was going to have their dinner.

As I entered the venue, I found Paree seated at a corner, with her face down, eyesight fixated to the dying fire of the ritual. Creamy skin of her nose had turned pink as rose petals. From a good distance I could see her long eyelashes soaked in dew drops of her eyes. Her back was heaving up and down.

Was she sobbing? My goodness, I thought. That was not at all a good sign.

Then, bride’s mother approached Paree and asked her ---“What happened to chirpy little Paree? Your newly wedded sister-in-law is waiting for you in the dining table, go and join them. Everyone is waiting for you dear.”

Paree straightened up, wiped her eyes and smiled at her. Bride’s mother took her away.


Slowly I entered the dining place. I found that Paree was sitting beside her newly married sister-in-law, laughing and talking with her and having her dinner. I took a plate and finished my dinner quietly in one corner.

During the whole time our eyes had not met for a single moment. Vibrant Paree was lost somewhere.

After the dinner was finished, it was time to retire as it was already 2 am of night. So both the friends of Subroto came to me to ask whether I should be retiring with them or not. I said them I do not want to rest, I told them I would be sitting there at the ritual place in some chair and puff my cigarette and I will be alright.

They also went away. Bride and groom also retired somewhere inside the house. Bride’s mother escorted Paree along with her.

All alone, in the cold dark night I sat on a chair near the ritual place looking at the smoke bellowing out of the doused fire and puffing cigarettes. I was also feeling cold as Paree took away my shawl.

I lost the count of time. I did not even bother to look at my watch. My head was filled with all sorts of thoughts I could not explain.

I do not know for how long or how little I was sitting over there. I felt drowsiness creeping in my head.

Suddenly I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. The sweet fragrance of jasmine filled my nostrils. So at last Paree has come to me. I pulled a chair near me, Paree sat down facing me. I looked at her with expression less eyes.

There was a bit of soft smile in some corner of her lips.

She asked me ---“You are feeling cold?”

---“Hmmmm…..” I nodded affirmatively.

Paree ---“Ok, I have brought another shawl for you.”

---“Why don’t you give mine to me?”

Paree ---“No, this is now mine, forever.” She smiled sweetly at me.

---“Ok, be it…. As my queen says.”

Paree ---“I found, that you were puffing a lot of cigarette? Why, this is not good at all.”


---“There it goes, my last one.”

Paree questioned me ---“Why have you stayed here tonight?”

---“Just like that, I wanted to attend every part of a marriage ceremony. So I stayed.”

Paree ---“So, you were not staying for me?”

---“See, Paree, at that time, none of the ladies were going to stay. How could I know that you will stay?”

Paree slapped hard on my hand ---“You, are a big dumb fool. Why did not you ask me to stay then? You did not even bother to think how I could travel the long distance in bus all alone.”

---“Paree, I am really unable to understand you now. The bus was filled with people you know, your near and dear ones.”

She sighed away her face ---“You dumb ass, dumb boys. You will not ever, never understand the heart of a lady. Never.”

She angrily got up from the chair and was about to leave.

I took both her hands in mine and with a pleading look in my eyes ---“Please do not leave.”

Paree ---“Why should I sit? You are not here for me, you said that.”

---“Sorry, my angel, I am sorry.”

She sat on my left, and placed her head on my shoulders. She took my hands in hers, and gently played with my fingers.

I muttered ---“I do not know, where this relation between us will take us. I don’t even know what will be the end.”

Paree ---“I don’t want to know, Abhi. I live in present and I want to live my present life full till the brim. That’s all I know and I care about.”

I put my left arm around her thin waist and pulled her close to me. She nuzzled closely, enjoying the warmth of our embrace. Very gently I started to stroke her bare waist under the shawl, caressing the side of her soft belly.

I took her right hand into mine and brought her fingers near my lips. Paree looked at me. I gently touched her back of hand with my lips. Jasmine smell felt good in my nostrils. I took her index finger in my mouth and slowly licked and sucked.


Paree ---“Ummmmm…….. Please do not do that. You are giving me a very tingling sensation somewhere deep inside me.”

She tried to free her fingers and at the same time she was brushing her nose and lips on the side of my neck.

I did not stop sucking her finger with my soaking tongue.

Paree squirmed in my embrace ---“Please, Abhi, Please do not do that.”

I could feel her soft wet tongue caressing softly on my jaw line. She was planting small butterfly kisses on my cheek and jaw. The fire of passion has been ignited between us.

I left her finger and looked at her face. As she was in my tight embrace, her hands came up to my chest, clasping the collar of my Punjabi. There was an intense passionate look in her deep black eyes, penetrating my soul to the core. I placed my right palm on her left cheek, and gently kissed her forehead.

Paree shook a little. Slowly I planted small kisses over her eyebrows and then over her eye lids. She closed her eyes, enjoying my little kisses on her face.

I then kissed the tip of her nose. Sensing that our lips will meet soon enough, my lips also trembled a bit, and I planted a small kiss on her shaking soft red lips. She clasped my collar hard, pulling my face to her and again our lips met, in a heated passionate lock.

At first it was only touch of the lips, but soon enough we found our tongues playing with each other and teeth chewing each other lips. I was madly sucking her upper lip and played with her tongue. Her breadth grew warmer and intensifying with every moment passed.

We felt that as if the world was going to end. Neither Paree nor I was willing to break the kiss. Intensity brewed up in the cold December night. She had taken my face between her palms and was caressing my cheeks. My right hand fingers went to her head trying to unknot her hair and clasp her head.

Suddenly she broke out ---“No, do not untie the knot dear, please. I do not want to create a scene here.”

We both were heaving in deep long breadth. What has happened felt like a storm crashing on the sea shore.

Paree’s eyes were vibrant again, as if she has returned to her old status.

I wiped my lips, which was by then smeared with the colour of Paree’s bright red lipstick.

I asked ---“Very sweet, very juicy. Ummmmm I love your lips.”

She wiped her lips and mouth with the back of her hand ---“You are very very naughty. Shoo away.”

Her face was lightened up again with a bright smile. I felt good, that she has regained her original nature.

Paree stood up, pulling me by my hand ---“See, it is about 4’oclock in the morning. We need to get some rest. Don’t you ever get tired?”

---“I get tired if you are not with me.”

Paree ---“Hey, bride’s mom has given the groom’s party a room to retire. But all my brother’s friends are with him and my new sister-in-law. The room should be empty. We can really snuggle in there.”

---“But what about your eldest brother?”

Paree ---“Ohh damn shit, yes yes, he might be sleeping in there. So what to do now? We can’t sit in this cold.”

I pulled her again and she bumped on my lap ---“Till you are with me I am not tired and neither have I felt cold, darling.”

Paree ---“This is dangerous out here; someone might have noticed us cozying up ourselves.”

---“Ok, Madam, as you suggest…”

Paree ---“Now let me go from your lap, we can just chat the whole night through. I do not want this night to end dear.”

But she did not tried to get up from my lap instead she wrapped her arms around my shoulder and looked into my eyes. I embraced her narrow waist tightly and pulled her more into me. Her soft buttocks felt like a creamy mass on my thighs and groin. Probably my manliness also felt the heat of her soft fleshy buttocks over him.

We were entangled in a tight embrace.

Playfully combing my hair, Paree asked ---“Sing me a song.”

---“Damn shit, Paree… the dogs will bark asking me to stop.” I laughed out.

Paree ---“Ummmmm…… you sang in the bus. So sing me a song again.”

---“Paree, let us now move. The sun will peep anytime.”

Paree ---“Yes, we should move in the house.”













Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 6: Return journey


The beautiful morning came. A new sun with rose, bringing a new day to our life.

Paree was again lost somewhere in the house. People started to wake up. Eldest brother came to me and asked where I was the whole night. I answered that I was at the pandal only sitting there whole night. He laughed and asked to freshen myself up. The bride and groom and all other will be leaving the bride’s place in few hours from now.

The marriage house slowly started to rumble and drowse itself in the noise of the crowd.

The morning at village is awesome, filled with fresh air. I could smell dews and fresh grass and some heavenly smell.

Someone served the groom’s party, the tea and breakfast. But Paree was nowhere in sight. My eyes were searching for Paree everywhere.

Suddenly I sensed a slap on the back of head.

---“Ouch!!!!” I looked back. Found Paree standing there, totally freshened up. She looked like a rose Lilly freshly drowsed in dew. A vibrant smile all smeared over her face. Not a single sign of tiredness.

Paree in a scolding voice ---“Could not you wait for me for breakfast.”

---“How could I know? You were nowhere in sight.”

Paree ---“Could not you ask anyone about me?”

---“Ok ok, now sit down, and let us finish the breakfast.”

After finishing the breakfast, Paree again went to the bride’s room. Time had arrived for the bride and grooms to leave. That part of the whole ceremony was a real tearjerker.

I looked at my watch; it was about 10 o’clock in the morning, I was sure that we will not be leaving before 11 or 12 noon.

So, when the bride came out of the house for her journey to her husband’s home, tears began to flow from every pair of eyes present over there.

I was quietly standing at one corner. I felt a tug on my left arm. As I looked, I found Paree standing behind me with her face partially hidden behind my shoulder. She was holding my hand very tightly, probably to suppress the tears flooding her eyes. I heard her sobbing and constantly rubbing her nose on the back of shoulder.

I turned my face ---“Hey!!, don’t cry, see, she is your new sister-in-law going to your house only.”

Paree ---“You won’t understand.”

I just put my left arms over her shoulder and cuddled her, rubbed her shoulder to give some comfort to her. She was still having my cream shawl wrapped on her.

There were two cars present at the venue to take us back.

Paree wiped her tears and whispered in my ears ---“I have to go in the bride’s car and you go with Subroto da’s friends in the other car. I do not want anyone to raise any eyebrows and smell something fishy.”

I thought myself that she was right, if we get close to each other in broad daylight then people might smell something fishy about us, which we both can’t afford to have. As our relation was a very very forbidden one.

Our cars started perfectly at the stroke of 12 noon as I expected. It will take about 3 to 4 hours to reach our destination. I was in the front seat, in the back two of Subroto’s friend were seated.

They were conversing among themselves about something which I paid no heed.

One time I heard one of them naming Suchismita.

One ---“Suchismita, was bit different from yesterday night, don’t you think so?”

The other ---“Yes I also observed that she was bit out of herself yesterday night. She is normally very playful person. She can’t keep quiet for a second, but yesterday night we did not hear her voice for a quiet long time.”

---“Very different behavior. What might have caused that?”

---“How can I know?”

One of the friend called me ---“You are Ulupi madam’s Son right?”

I nodded positively and also inside my heart I thought they might have smelled something fishy.

---“Your mom was my school teacher. She used to teach us, she is very strict.”

I laughed out ---“Brother, she is strict even at home.”

We all laughed.

---“Subroto is your Mama (Maternal uncle) right, by relation?”

I said --- “Yes, but there is a huge age difference between my mom and all siblings of Subroto.”


Oh, god, thanks, they have not smelled anything unusual.

---“Suchismita, is your aunt, right?”

I nodded affirmatively.

One of the person offered me a cigarette ---“You are in college so you do smoke. Come on do not be shy, treat me as your elder brother and not as a Mama even if we are your Mama’s friend.”

I politely denied his offer of cigarette.

---“I have quit smoking.”

---“Oh no, I saw you puffing yesterday night, alone on that road while I called you for dinner. Don’t be shy.”

Oh! My god, he saw us together?

I gathered some courage ---“No, actually I quit smoking only yesterday late night.”

Both laughed out their heart ---“So, probably you have found someone in the bride’s house who asked you to quit smoking.”

One asked me do I drink or not. I answered affirmatively. I drink only vodka and rum. They said to me that they have arranged for a party at the evening and they will take me with them to join the party.

The conversation went on.

I came to know the name of Subroto’s friends. One was Samir who was of 28 years and another Mriganko who was also of same age. Both are doing some government job. Both were unmarried. We got friendlier and they ask me to join them as a friend so that I should not feel lonely.

I also came to know that Subroto’s marriage was a love marriage later arranged. Bride’s name was Maithili, she was of the same age of Paree, might be few months older than her. They meet each other in a family gathering and they fell in love. Later the eldest brother Sumanto saw her and approached her family to get them engaged.

Thus how the two love birds, Subroto and Maithili were joined.

In my mind I was thinking, I have got more than I expected, the dream girl my angel.

Time flew by; both the cars were moving in tandem, did not stopped in the whole journey.

At last the journey ended.












Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 7: Dark truth unravels


Everyone from groom’s house was present at the door step to greet the lady. My mom, her aunt, Meghna, and lots of ladies were there to greet the newly wedded bride. Paree was smiling and giggling with Maithili. They two have got friendlier during the journey.

My eager eyes were looking at her, when she will give a look at me. I slowly walked up to mom. I looked back searching for dad; he was standing at one corner. Dad called me asked me was everything alright at the bride’s house or not. I answered him affirmatively.

As Paree ushered Maithili into the house, she glanced at me. Our eyes met. There was only a quiet smile on her lips and she vanished into the crowd.

Mriganko asked me to join them at his place. His house was near to this one. I told them I need to change myself from Dhuti and Punjabi before going out.

As I entered the house, my mom caught me and asked about the shawl. I said that the shawl was with Paree.

My mom questioned me, why have I given that to Paree. I told her that she was feeling cold so I gave her that to wrap around her. Mom appreciated me for my did. As I was about to enter the restroom to change, I saw Paree entering our room. She playfully embraced my mom from back and over her shoulder glanced at me. She still has not changed her dress. Mom scolded her and asked her to freshen up herself.

Paree asked my mom, whether she has talked with her mom about her ambition or not. My mom said that, to night after the entire crowd gets settled and all the rituals gets finished up then they will have a family discussion regarding the matter. Paree kissed my mom on her cheeks.

Paree ---“You are my darling Didi; from now on I will call you ChotoMa. Can I?”

Mom patted on Paree’s cheeks ---“You are always the apple of my eye; forever. Come sit by my side. I want to see you with my heart’s content.”

I stood at the doorway of the rest room looking at the ladies deeply engrossed in their affection. My mom looked at me.

Mom ---“What are you looking at, go away. This is pep talk between a mom and her daughter.”

Paree lied on the bed placing her head on my mom’s lap. Mom affectionately combed her plaids with her fingers and looking at her.

I entered the rest room to freshen up and change my dress.

When I came out after changing my dress, I saw Paree sobbing, hiding her face in my mom’s lap. Mom had tears flowing down her cheeks, gently rubbing Paree’s back, consoling her.


I looked at mom and enquired as what happened. Mom asked me to leave them.

Same time I heard Mriganko calling me. I went outside leaving those ladies crying. Only thought that swirled in my head was what on earth could have happened that brought tears in their eyes.

Mriganko escorted me towards his home. On the way he said that Subroto would also join us in the party shortly.

On reaching his house, I found Subroto was already present. We settled down in his room.

Samir was the bartender, the glasses were filled up. We cheered for Subroto’s marriage and we all laughed as he was the first among us to get married. So it would be a big day for Subroto tomorrow.

The conversation flowed as well as the glasses. Samir had brought vodka for drinking. Our conversation turned to girls. Bartender Samir was aptly looking at every glass so that the drinks must keep flowing. Subroto and Mriganko felt tipsy. I and Samir were in full control on ourselves.

The alcohol took it reins in the veins of both.

Mriganko suddenly said ---“I had a crush on Suchismita for long time.”

Subroto patted his back ---“Oh come one, you coward, you have not told her once in your life time.”

My ears got red. I forgot to take a sip the moment I heard that. I took a deep breath.

Mriganko ---“Due to your elder brother, I could not gather enough courage to approach her.”

Subroto ---“My brother is like my dad. He is just like a coconut, Man. Hard shell on outside but soft and juicy inside.”

Mriganko ---“Ok, then, I will approach Sumanto Da, asking for her hand.”

Suddenly a gush of blood raced to my head. I felt like punching Mriganko hard on his face. But I controlled myself. I poured down the whole glass down my throat.

Subroto pointed at me and said ---“This guy, Abhimanyu has to say something. Don’t you?”

My ears became hot as if someone poured down lava on my head. I reached for the bottle of rum, opened the cork with my teeth and gulped the neat rum. I could feel the burning sensation as the alcohol travelled down my throat.

I clenched my teeth and looked at Subroto ---“What have I to say?”

Subroto ---“Anything about your girlfriends or anything tasty spicy.”

A huge load came off my chest, Oh my god so no one has yet smelled anything fishy.

---“I do not have any girlfriends in college. Everyone is book worm bitches over there.”

On hearing that everyone laughed.

Mriganko ---“I want to marry Suchismita, please Subroto.”

Subroto looked at him ---“Do not even think of that now. Paree has definitely something in her mind and that is why his mom, Ulupi di, has been invited to my wedding.”

He looked at me ---“I can sense a huge storm coming and that will happen either tonight or tomorrow. I have vague memories of my childhood days, but I have heard that his mom once did a lot for our family and Paree specially, when my father passed away. I have heard that she used to maintain our family as if her own, we were only mere children then. She bought us clothes to wear and fed us during that time. Many years have rolled down. Something happened between our families which resulted in cut-off of our relation. And I am sure, for whatever reason Ulupi di has arrived will make a mark in our family.”

All the affects of alcohol vanished from my brain while Subroto was telling these.

Subroto also kept his glass down; I could see tears in his eyes also as my gaze became hazy.

Samir sensed that the situation was taking a serious turn to a tearful situation. He tried to talk some nonsense to douse the situation.

But Subroto was nowhere in stopping mood. He took my hand and asked the reason why my mom has arrived.

I was now in a very peculiar situation, whether I should tell or just keep mum. Everyone looked at me expecting something.


Subroto ---“Let me talk. I am definitely aware of the reason why our families have not come along together for long time. The reason is my two elder sisters, Indrani di and Chandrani di. They got somehow married to some wealthier families and they became egoist. They tried to forget the people who helped them in past. For whatever reason Ulupi di has come, I will stand by her side.”

I felt in my mind that I must tell them the reason.

---“My mom has come only for Paree Mashi. Paree Mashi wants to pursue her higher studies and become a teacher, but there was a furious objection from your family, from your two sisters mainly.”

Subroto patted my shoulder ---“Do not worry, anything, your Paree Mashi will pursue whatever her heart wants to. Today I will speak. I will not get suppressed by my sisters today.”

Just then Dushtu came running into the room. He was panting hard. He said that we have been called at the house. Some meeting was going to happen in the dining hall.

Subroto and I both looked at each other. All the drowsiness vanished. We hurried down to the house.

As we entered the dining hall, we found every one seated. Dad, Mom, then Grand Aunt, then Indrani and Chandrani along with their husbands, then Shasanko and Meghna and eldest of all Sumanto.

Paree stood behind my mom with her arms around her shoulder. Subroto looked at me gave me a thumbs up sign.

Indrani ---“Ulupi di, see, no ladies in our family has graduated. But we continued Paree to pursue her studies. I see no harm now to get her married. We will definitely get a well placed groom for her also. See us, Chandrani and I both got married to well to-do families.”

Chandrani nodded in accordance with her elder sister.

My mom ---“I just want to say that; what is the harm, if Paree pursues her higher studies?”

Chandrani adamantly said ---“No she can’t. By her age I was wife of someone.”

Subroto spoke up ---“What Ulupi di is saying has to be obeyed. Paree will continue her studies as her will.”

Everyone in the room looked at Subroto. Probably Indrani and Chandrani did not even expect that Subroto will give his view regarding this matter.

Shasanko spoke ---“Subroto, you are young so do not meddle in elders.”

Chandrani ---“Has any one asked your opinion, here?”

Subroto ---“I am a part of this family. I should have a say.”

The matter was getting worse. I saw Paree’s eyelids soaked in tears. Grand Aunt looked at Paree. Paree was holding my mom as her last straw.

Grand Aunt asked Sumanto about his opinion.

Sumanto ---“I think that Paree should be allowed to pursue her studies, in the mean time we will search for a suitable groom for her who will not oppose her studies.”

Paree nodded her head ---“No, I do not want to get married now. You all want that I leave this house.”

Mom tapped Paree and requested her to keep quiet.

Indrani asked my mom ---“Why have you come to our family after so long?”

Grand Aunt; in a scolding voice to Indrani ---“I have asked Shasanko to invite her. Do not ever try to say those words to Ulupi.”

Indrani ignored her mom completely---“We two sisters have done lot for our family, what has she done? What say she has here after seventeen long years?”

There was a dead silence in the room. Bomb has been dropped.

I saw rage in mom’s eyes. She spoke in a bit shaky yet commanding voice ---“Do not ask what I have done. I have come here only for Paree, and I will make you all obey my orders. You all want to hear the reason.”

Everyone in room was looking at my mom. Grand Aunt pleaded my mom to keep quiet.

Grand Aunt ---“I will allow Paree to study. Please Ulupi, please keep quiet.”

Mom ---“No, they have asked the reason why I am here. They should know.”

She looked at Chandrani and Indrani ---“You father passed away, when Paree was only one and half years old, and my son was in my womb. There was no one to look after all of you. Every one of you was little children then. Aunt used to cry all time. Shasanko left his school to work in a rice barn, so that he could buy some rice for you. Those five years of my life, I gave my earning to your family. I fed you all, it is me due to whom you all are here and standing in one piece and you are asking me that what I have done?”


Grand Aunt took my mom’s hand in her and asked her to stop. Paree looked at my mom’s face with tears rolling down her cheeks. But my mom showed no sign to stop. There was a pin drop silence in the room. Subroto looked at me as I looked at him.

---“I fed Paree, my breast milk along with my son. Every one of you cursed Paree to be evil child. You all use to say that she took her father away. I tore my heart into two so that she can live.”

Subroto approached my mom; he kneeled down and sat by mom’s feet. Everyone in the room, except Indrani, Chandrani and their husbands, had tears in their eyes.

My dad stood up from his chair and silently walked away from the room, hiding his emotions.

Mom continued ---“If I could show you my heart, I would even show you that. Paree is not my daughter, but she is like a daughter to me. I have not come here for anyone of you. I know you all are rich people now. Your heads are filled with your rich ego as both of you are married to business families.”

Paree and Grand Aunt were crying profusely. I was also unable to control my tears.

Mom ---“Tomorrow, after everything ends. I am going to take Paree with me to Kolkata. I will ensure that she gets admission in the best college of Kolkata University and she pursues her studies. From now on I will bear every penny for Paree. I give a damn to what all you say or feel or do.”

A long sigh came out from my mom’s chest. Paree was really uncontrollable by then. She sat on the floor beside my mom’s chair hiding her face in my mom’s lap and cried profusely.

Shasanko and Sumanto got up from their chair, approached my mom and bowed down to touch her feet.

The whole scene seemed to me as a big family drama, full of emotions running down from everywhere.

Sumanto spoke up ---“I am with Ulupi di. I think she has every right to take away Paree from us. We all forgot what she did for our family.”

Sumanto then dropped the atom bomb ---“Day after tomorrow, the first thing I am going to do is mutation of this property. This property will be divided in seven parts.”

Indrani queried ---“Why seven parts, we are six siblings only?”

The Lion roared ---“You just keep quiet. Each part, for us and one for Mother. She has her right to give her part to whomever she chooses.”

Shasanko nodded in accordance with his elder brother.

---“I don’t want this discussion to happen outside this room and mar the enjoyment of the marriage of Subroto. End of discussion, chapter closed. Now everyone retire to your work.”

The whole discussion has taken a fair amount of time. It was already nine o’clock at night.
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Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 8: Good night kiss, Bad night drink


I and Subroto stood up. Both the sisters left the room tugged away their husbands behind them.

Subroto came to me ---“Hey, Abhi I need to drink badly dude.”

We walked out of the room, I saw only three persons to be resent in the room. Paree, my mom and Grand Aunt. Paree had her smile back on her face. She was embracing my mom and like a small kitten rubbing her face on my mom’s lap.

I was happy to see the lost smile on her face. I was also happy to know that Paree, from now will be living with us. Close to me, closer to my heart.

Subroto took me upstairs on the roof. Samir and Mriganko were already present there, sipping their glasses.

Samir asked Subroto, as what all had happened.

Subroto patted my back and said ---“His mom, is a true gem, is a goddess for me.”

We all sat down to have our drinks.

Subroto raised his glass for toast ---“Cheers for Ulupi di.”

I smiled with corner of my lips.

He then began to divulge the whole story to his friends. Both of them looked at me.

Someone from downstairs yelled at us, announcing that dinner has been served and we should get down.

There was a bit of lull in the family, but everyone tried to hide everything that happened in the dining place.

The cheerful mood slowly coming back in everyone’s face. I found Indrani and Chandrani also to be cheerful.

But I could not find Paree or my mom. I asked Meghna about my mom. She said that they are in the first floor with the newly wedded bride. I looked at Subroto.

Subroto ---“Oh come on, all the ladies talk might be happening. Let us have the dinner and retire.”


Indrani approached me. She patted on my back ---“Abhimanyu, I am really sorry, for what all happened this evening. Please tell you mother to forgive me. I am really sorry for what all I have told to her.”

Subroto ---“Didi, it will be better that you yourself plea for forgiveness from Ulupi di. I am sure she will forgive you.”

I nodded affirmatively. I asked her about my dad. She told me that being an aged person my dad has finished his dinner and probably has gone to sleep in his room upstairs. She asked me to join her for dinner. I could not, at least disobey her now.

As we sat together on the dining table along with some other family members, all eyes turned to the staircase. I looked up and saw my mom and Paree coming down and along with them was Maithili, wife of Subroto.

She was really looking beautiful in her red saree. I tried to compare, who was more beautiful, Paree or Maithili. For sure my angel was looking more elegant in her peacock blue salwar. After a long time and after all these chaos I found some moment to devour the beauty of my angel again. Her braids were then flowing till her waist. She was looking vibrant.

I patted hard on Subroto’s shoulder ---“Dude, you have hit the jackpot of beauty, Man. Maithili is really beautiful.”

Subroto looked at me ---“Hey I am your Mama and she is your Mami. Don’t even try to eye her.”

We both laughed out loud.

---“What Mama, even after drinking together, now we are buddies?”

I forgot that Indrani Mashi was sitting just next to me. She caught hold of my ears and exclaimed ---“What mischievous boys are you two; you were drinking on the roof?”

I yelled ---“No no, Mashi, we were just sipping coffee.”

---“Hmmmm….. I have a nose of a dog I can smell everything.”

Mom ushered Maithili to the dining table. They sat on the chair opposite to us. Mom was in front of Indrani, Paree just opposite to me and Maithili opposite to Subroto. As Paree bend in front to get herself seated on the chair her deep gorgeous cleavage came into view. My heart forgot to beat for few seconds. The view of the deep dark valley between her fleshy creamy soft breasts made my throat gone dry. Her soft creamy skin was shining in the lights of the dining room.

Mom looked at Subroto ---“You and Maithili are not going to stay together tonight; from tomorrow onwards you are all together.”

Subroto nodded obediently.

While we started to have our food, I felt some tingling sensation on my leg. I was sure that it was Paree. She was looking at me but not saying anything. She was itching my leg with long nail of her toe sending bolts of thunder down my spine and was smiling mischievously at me. Her glances were filled with total mischief. Her toes were on my knee. No one sitting beside us could sense what was happening under the table. All I could do to hide my expression was to eat silently.

Subroto jokingly ---“Abhi, was looking dashing; handsome yesterday in his Dhuti and Punjabi. He carried himself very well. I was bit jealous of him to see him dress like that. For one second I thought instead of my neck Maithili will put garland around Abhi’s neck.”

As a newly wedded bride in the house, surrounded with all close knit family members, on hearing Subroto, Maithili was blushing red. She just looked at my mom.

My ears turned red. Paree laughed her heart out and gently nudged Maithili on her shoulder---“You are married now, you could have a chance till day before yesterday. But don’t eye Abhi now.”

Indrani and Mom both laughed at Paree and told her to stop teasing Maithili more.

We finished the dinner with lots of joking and good words. I was happy to see Indrani was getting along with Mom.

After dinner was finished Indrani took away mom somewhere. I sensed that another round of emotional tears would be flowing. What was happening all around? I asked myself. Everywhere in every person’s eyes, emotional tears were flowing. My God, these ladies definitely have Ganges River hidden in their eyes.

While I was washing my hands at the restroom, Paree came near me and whispered in my ears to wait for her on the roof after half an hour. I looked around, whether anyone was looking at us or not. I suddenly grabbed Paree by her nape with my left hand and pulled her face near me. She was taken fully aback by my sudden gesture.


She tried to push me with her hand on my chest. But my hold over her neck was quiet strong. My right arm came around her waist to pull her near me. With pleading eyes I looked at her ---“Paree, please one kiss, please. I have not smelled your fragrance for a long long time.”

She exclaimed ---“What are you doing, leave me please, someone might come.”

I pleaded Paree ---“Please Paree, only one small kiss.”

She shook her head sideways---“No no not now. Just wait for me on the roof.”

---“But please, give me some nectar of your lips so that I can at least live for half an hour.”

---“You are truly uncontrollable, dear. If you wait the nectar will be sweeter, let me go now.”

I brought my arms around her narrow waist and pulled her more into me. Her arms came up around my neck. Paree’s beautiful full grown soft bosoms crushed on my broad chest. The soft feelings that I felt from the touch of her mushy bosoms, made me bit tingly. I was holding her tightly in my strong embrace. I could feel her heartbeat on my chest. Her heart pounding faster, her eyes looked like a lotus bud, big black eyes and dark whip like eyelashes, all that I could see in front of my eyes. We both were deeply engrossed in our romantic embrace. We forgot we were in a restroom. We forgot the whole world. She rubbed her nose over mine softly. Her lips shaking like a wet rabbit in some forbidden anticipation. Her hot breath, poured all over my nose and chin. Rosy red lips opened a bit, inviting me to kiss her.

I was about to touch those pair of rose petals with mine, just then we heard Meghna shouting Paree’s name.

Meghna ---“Paree, where are you?”

As if high voltage bolt fell on us, we got separated. She freed herself from my embrace, looked at me in a bit of failed smile on her face. With broken heart I had to let her go. Before getting out of the restroom, Paree pushed something soft in my palm. I saw it was her handkerchief. I looked at her; she nodded her head and whispered

---“Take my smell with you”.

She answered to Meghna---“I am here. What happened, why are you looking for me?”

Meghna saw me coming out of the restroom behind Paree. She inquisitively asked what we were doing in the restroom.

Paree ---“What do you mean; we were only washing our hands.”

Meghna asked Paree to escort Maithili to her room. As the two beautiful ladies were climbing the stairs, Paree glanced at me over her shoulders and winked at me, suggesting me to wait for her on the roof. I gently nodded my head in accordance so that no one could notice us having our secret conversation. As she climbed, her shapely round buttocks swayed sideways just like two soft melons swaying in breeze. My heart skipped bit faster.

I looked around for Subroto, he was nowhere in the scene. I asked Chandrani about Subroto. Chandrani said to me that Mriganko came few minutes before and Subroto might have gone with him somewhere.

I looked around. There were less people present in the dining place. Every one might have entered their room and some also might have fallen asleep tucked in the warmth of their blankets.

I sensed that I have nothing to do as of now. I climbed up the stairs. While passing the first floor I heard a lot of female voices coming out of the room where Maithili was kept. As it was dark in the staircase so I peeped into the room, standing behind the curtain so as to see who all were present there. Paree looked at the doorway, might have sensed someone present behind the curtain. She approached the doorway; I hurriedly climbed the stairs for roof.

I sat on the railing of the roof at one dark corner. Cold winter winds were blowing from the barren fields behind the house. The mango orchard looked like a bunch of dark ghosts standing alone. The tall coconut trees surrounding the courtyard seemed to me as some thin scary evil spirits with their arms outstretched, beckoning me to them. I looked up the sky, under the Prussian blue curtain someone has scattered millions of specks of diamonds. The new moon was few days earlier so the crescent looked like a tilted boat floating on the Prussian sea.

I sat with my legs dangling outwards. The sight of Paree’s deep inviting cleavage floated before my eyes. Creamy skin of her upper bosoms floated in front of my eyes. I felt an urge to touch those mounds of soft melons with my fingers, rubbing my nose and lips all over her slender neck just like a gander. I felt that her beautiful deep black eyes were gazing at me.


I rubbed her handkerchief all over my nose and lips, inhaling the last speck of Paree’s sweet fragrance from the small silky cloth. I closed my eyes with my head tilted back; deeply engrossed in the sweet thoughts of Paree.

All of a sudden I felt two soft hands around my shoulder.

Paree spoke in her honey filled voice ---“What are you thinking, my lovely baby.”

I tilted my head back; Paree combed my hair with her thin soft fingers, and kissed gently on my forehead.

---“It was only you.”

Paree brought down her face on my left shoulder, gently rubbed my cheeks with her. Her soft cheeks felt as if some sandal paste was being smeared on my cheek.

Paree spoke softly ---“I don’t want this night to end. I want my lovely baby, to cuddle me for whole night.”

I turned towards her. I parted my legs a bit so that Paree could adjust herself between my thighs. I flanged my arms around her thin waist and pulled her between my parted thighs. She stood in-front of me, threw her arms around my neck, held the back of head in her fist and pulled my face close to her bosom. Her soft bosom felt awesome on my cheek. I held her tightly in my embrace. Paree has changed her dress. She was now wearing a dark colured silk gown, with my cream shawl covering her upper torso. I rubbed her smooth back over the silk cloth, as she held me tightly across her heaving bosom. I could even hear her heartbeat inside her chest. She combed my coarse hair with her serpentine thin fingers.

---“Can you hear what my heart is saying?”

I nodded ---“Hmmmm…..” While I nodded affirmatively, my cheeks rubbed her soft fleshy bosom gently.

---“Every beat is saying your name.”

I asked her---“Why do you always wrap my shawl around you?”

---“I feel the warmth of yours. I feel your strong arms embracing me all the time. I feel to be at peace. So I keep this always with me.”

I noticed a heavy gold necklace adorning her neck. I recognized that the necklace was my mother’s.

I asked her looking into her eyes ---“From where have you got this necklace?”

Her deep gaze peered deep in my heart ---“ChotoMa presented this to me.”

ChotoMa, she was calling my mom as ChotoMa (Younger Mother). I thought what was happening between these two most important ladies of my life.

I was gently caressing her back all over, with the flat of my palms. Paree placed her palms on my cheeks and pulled my face near her. With her deep gaze, she was burning to the core of my heart.

Paree cooed ---“Hold me tight, I do not want to go anywhere. After a long long time, I truly felt someone to take care of me.”

---“Why, are you saying this? All in your family loves you very much. You are the youngest child, the pearl of everyone’s eye.”

---“Please don’t try to convince me, now I know the whole truth.”

---“I will be there for you, forever.”

Paree shivered a bit ---“I have not seen the future, dear, so please do not give me false promises.”

She touched my forehead with hers, her nose tips brushed on mine. Her eyes were again filled with beads of dew. She gently touched my lips with hers. Lips were locked, not in passion but some different feeling which I could not express, some sort of eternal love; some sort of warm peaceful sensation filled my heart. For a long time she just kept her lips on mine. Time probably stood still, we froze in the winter darkness.

For how long, we did not count, but she slowly regained her senses and hides her head on my shoulder. I could feel her back shivering slowly.

I tried to console her---“Please, honey, please don’t cry. See, you are coming with us tomorrow. You will be with me; your ChotoMa will be with you.”

She pulled up her face from my neck; I saw the wet trail of tear rolling down her soft rosy cheeks. With my thumb I wiped the trail.

Paree said ---“My mom, Maithili, Meghna and all other requested ChotoMa to keep me here for few more months. I am not going with you tomorrow.”

I said to her ---“Ok, so what. After few months, you will be with us. Why feeling sad. Cheer up; you have got your ChotoMa with you now.”

A soft smile gleamed in the corner of her lips.

---“There goes my sweet angel.”

I nudged my nose on the exposed skin of her top bosom. I gently kissed her cleavage on the top. The touch of my lips on her skin send spasms down her spine. I took out my tongue and traced every inch of soft skin of her upper chest, whatever was exposed. Paree moaned softly.

---“Ummmmm…… What are you doing?”She held my head tightly on her chest while I was licking her creamy skin. “You are tickling me with your tongue. Please stop.”

I was now caressing all over her back, up and down over her gown. She was rubbing her cheeks on my head.

I felt her body getting warmer, with every kiss on her soft skin. I touched one of her fleshy hind globes with my palms. Grabbed a handful of soft cheeks, kneaded her flesh gently. My breadth grew hot.

Paree’s moan turned a little hotter ---“Ummmmm….. Abhi, please stop now. Please, someone will come.”

---“No one will see us”

---“ChotoMa will come searching for me.”

---“She has gone asleep already.”

---“Meghna will come then.”

---“She has also gone to bed, honey.”

---“House is full of relatives honey, someone will surely spot us. Please let me go now.”

My hands were roaming frantically over her mushy behind, kneading her soft flesh just like dough.

Paree pleaded but she continued rubbing her cheeks all over my hair madly. Her breadth grew longer and deeper and warmer.

Paree moaned---“Abhi, No. Please, not here not now. Baby please let me go.”

I tried to push my face down over her heaving bosom. I felt large waves crashing as I saw her full blown bosom heaved in front of my eyes.

---“Honey, I will die now. I want to live with you. Please stop doing now, baby.”

We were deeply engrossed in a passionate embrace and cuddle; totally unaware of our surroundings. Paree could sense my heat growing as her abdomen was pressed tightly over mine. As my hands roamed freely all over her sumptuous globes, I felt that she was not wearing any undergarments. The thought that she was not wearing anything below her waist, made me mad in lust. I pulled her by her bottoms, her groin crushed on my groin. She could easily sense my staunchness over her juncture. Hot lava started to flow between us. She was moaning frantically and moving her fingers all over my head, in maddening lust.

---“Ummmmm….. You are making me mad. I feel something happening inside my heart.”

Just when our romantic heat was taking the peak, we heard Meghna calling Paree’s name. We both heard footsteps nearing the stairs. We freed ourselves from our embraces, both were panting hard, little bit disheveled.

Paree looked at me with a naughty smile ---“See, I told you Meghna will come searching for me.”

Paree answered in top of her voice so that Meghna could hear---“I am here, on the roof.”

Meghna approached near us, looked inquisitively to both of us and enquired ---“What are you two doing alone in this dark?”

Paree ---“Nothing, we were just catching up ourselves after a long time; that’s all.”

Just then I heard another footsteps approaching. Subroto was there behind Meghna.

Subroto looked at me ---“Hey dude, what are you doing here? I was searching for you all over the house.”

Meghna to Paree ---“You naughty girl, Maithili was looking for you, she is feeling sleepy. You are to accompany with her tonight.”

As Meghna escorted Paree downstairs, she glanced at me and gave a mischievous smile.

Subroto did not notice anything. He came to me and tapped on my shoulder.

---“Dude, I have got two bottles of old monk. Come with me, we will sit in the tent-house in the courtyard.”

I asked him ---“Hey, anyone can notice us.”

---“No, it is about middle of night. Everyone has fallen asleep, come with me.”

We both walked to the tent-house, erected for the reception that was to happen day after.

We sat at one corner, only two of us. Most of the lights were off. Most of the persons have fallen asleep.

Subroto poured the drink in my glass and raise a toast.

I asked him, why he wants to drink again.


After taking a sip he said to me ---“Today, I feel free. In this two days a storm is going all-over the place.”

I answered ---“Hmmmm……”. I asked him how he met Maithili.

Subroto told me that they met in a family function just one year back. And after that they used to meet at different places.

Rum kept flowing; we both were gulping the alcohol down our throat. I asked him as who proposed to whom.

He told me that, he was first to propose, but then he thought of his eldest brother might oppose.

I asked him ---“How did you then manage?”

---“I told everything to Meghna Boudi. And during Dushtu’s birthday last year, their family was called. SumantoDa saw Maithili then and Meghna Boudi and ShsankoDa approached her family. ”

I nodded---“Really interesting.”

Gradually both of us were feeling tipsy.

---“So, you have a big night tomorrow. So where are you going for honeymoon?”

He nodded---“Yes a big night. For honeymoon we will be going to Goa.”

I exclaimed ---“Good place dude, hope you enjoy with your beautiful bride.” I patted his shoulder “Maithili is very beautiful.”

---“You mean to say just beautiful or something else also? My wife is damn sexy.” I sensed that alcohol has taken all over him. He continued “This is our second honeymoon. I have already kissed her long ago?”

---“Oh really”

---“Yes dude, Maithili is very tasty and sexy. Why don’t you tell me about your crush?”

My head was spinning. I said to him ---“My first crush was my Physics madam, while I was in class 12. She was damn sexy, bit short height but very beautiful. I was always unable to concentrate in her class.”

---“Then what happened.”

---“What can happen, she was my teacher.”

Subroto said to me---“What man. I have heard, in Kolkata, teachers also get along with their pupils.”

I shook my head---“No no, nothing of that sort happened. But only due to her, I loved physics and that love made to take my majors in my graduation.” I asked him about his first honeymoon.

Subroto ---“We went to Shantiniketan together and enjoyed a lot over there.”

I felt sleepy. My eyelids were getting heavier, with each sip of the glass.

Subroto patted on my face ---“Hey don’t sleep. Today is the best day of my life and you are my best buddy.”

I yelled out that my head was spinning.

Subroto ---“I feel like a stallion, can’t wait for the mare.”

With drowsy vision I saw Subroto got up from the chair with his glass in his hand ---“I am going to get my mare, dude.”

I reached out somehow and pushed him to the chair. “Sit down man, tonight is not your night.”

He fell on the chair with a thud ---“I want my Churni now.”

---“Who is Churni?”

---“My beautiful wife; I call her Churni. Let me go.”

---“No, you can’t go.”

He again rose from the chair and started to walk. With trembling legs I got up from my chair and placed my arm on his shoulder ---“Come on man, only one night. Control yourself.”

---“Ok, then.” Saying so he started to sing.

---“Meri, jaan Meri Jaan, murgi ke andee (My dear, my dear, egg of hen)”

I said to him that this is a bull shit song, I would sang a parody of a famous song to him.

(I will write this song in Bengali as well as translate the same to English)

---“Seii deen du jone, hegye chuni bonee (That day we both, did latrine in the woods)…

Chuchobar jool chilona (There was no water to wash our ass)..

Bichuti pataii poodu muche chinu (We wiped our asses with leaves of Tragia involucrate)

Shyee joluni aaj oo gelo na (Those itching has not gone till now)….”

Subroto ---“Ohh!!! What a song dude, what a song.”

(I will write this song in Bengali as well as translate the same to English)

He stood up again with trembling legs ---“Now hear my Ramayana…












Years of Service

100 XP
Chapter 9: The lost childhood found again


For how long or how little I slept, I didn’t know. I woke up when I felt a hard slap on the back of my head. With sleepy eyes, I looked around. I found myself on the ground of the tent-house and Subroto lying few feet away from me also on the ground. I looked up to search for who slapped me. To my astonishment, Indrani Mashi was standing there with enraged eyes.

She screamed at both of us ---“You, two pigs sleeping here? Everyone in the house is looking for you two. Do you have any sense in your head?”

I nudged Subroto to wake him up. Subroto woke up scratching his head.

---“Sorry Mashi, we just got carried away last night.”

She noticed the bottle and glasses on a chair; hurriedly she threw her shawl over the chair to hide those, as we heard some footsteps approaching us.

She called out ---“They are here in the tent-house. They were here all the night.”

My mom, Grand Aunt, Paree, Maithili all came. They all started yelling at us.

Indrani Mashi sensed our helplessness and rescued us, saying that, we were of young blood and we were simply enjoying ourselves.

Maithili came near Subroto and tugged him away.

Grand Aunt and mom disappeared after giving us a good scolding.

Paree came to me, fresh as a jasmine flower. I could sense that she has already taken her bath, from the odour emanated from her heavenly body.

She asked me ---“What were you two doing here, in this cold night?”

---“Nothing dear, we just got carried away.” With the corner of my eyes I glanced at Indrani Mashi, who still stood there. She called one of the servants working there and asked to clean the bottles and glasses before anyone could know.

As I entered the house, I felt hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at me. I felt very awkward. Mainly I saw dad and Sumanto Mama looking at me with a definite rage in their eyes.

Paree took me inside a room and asked me to sit on the bed. She stood in-front of me. I was coming to my senses; Paree was combing my disheveled hair with her tender fingers.

She had bathed already; she looked fresh like a Lilly soaked in dew drops. She was looking radiant in a white flowing salwar suit with heavy silvery embroidery all over. Her long tresses folded neatly in a bun, softly rested below her nape. She smelled like a fresh plucked jasmine. I took her in my embrace, forgot that the curtain of the door was not closed. I looked her with pleading eyes ---“I am sorry, I am very sorry for what happened last night.”

She smiled at me with a motherly love ---“That’s ok. It is nature of naughty boys to be naughty during this time. I am not angry.”

I was happy ---“So you are not angry, Oh my so sweet Paree. That’s the reason you have stole my heart.”

---“Can you help me, tying this necklace around my neck” As she handed my mom’s necklace to me.

She turned around and I stood behind her. Gently she pulled her bun away from her nape and her beautiful creamy smooth nape came to my view. As I held both ends of the necklace to tie around her neck, my fingers trembled a bit. I could not control my temptation of kissing her nape. I touched her nape with my lips. My wet lips send tingling sensation all over her body. She trembled and looked at me above her shoulder.


---“You are again being naughty. Lock the S please, before someone sees us together.”

I locked the S of the necklace and gently rubbed her slender neck on both sides. She purred like a baby kitten and turned around. I held her tightly in my arms so as she could not get away. I asked her, what she was going to wear for the afternoon. She said that she has no idea and asked me instead as to what she could wear.

---“You are always beautiful; anything you wear looks good on you. You are just an angel.”

I pleaded her for a small kiss.

She rubbed her nose over mine and pushed me ---“Now go to bathroom and freshen up. Take bath properly, you smell awful.”

Just then we heard someone coming near the door. Paree hurriedly released herself from my embrace as we found Indrani Mashi entered our room, cutting short the warmth of Paree’s love.

Paree looked at Indrani Mashi and slapped my face coyly ---“Just get into bathroom and fresh yourself up.”

I looked at Indrani Mashi; she said to Paree that my mom was searching for her. I asked her why she was searching. She nodded her head; she does not know the reason. Paree went away, leaving me with Indrani Mashi. Before getting out of the room, Paree glanced at me brought her index finger near her luscious lips and threw a sly flying kiss. As Indrani Mashi’s back was towards the door, so she could not see what Paree just did. She came near me and asked since when I started drinking. She enquired whether my mom and dad were aware of my deeds or not. I silently looked at the ceiling and answered that no one knows about that. I thanked Indrani Mashi for whatever she did back at the tent-house. She laughingly pushed me to the bathroom and asked me to come downstairs quickly.

I hurried to the bathroom to take my bath and fresh up myself so as not to waste much time. Paree was not coming with us to our home. So I had to make most of whatever time I can spend with her. I came downstairs but I could not find my mom neither Paree. I asked someone about my mom, but that person nodded her head and went away. I walked around looking for them. As I walked to balcony, I saw Grand Aunt sitting on a chair instructing something to Chandrani and Meghna. I walked up to her and stood silently. After their conversation got finished I asked Grand Aunt whether she know whereabouts of my mom or not. I was definite that, Paree would be with my mom. I was sure that Paree would also like to spend most of the time with her ChotoMa as she was not coming with us. Grand Aunt told me that Paree and my mom along with my dad has gone for shopping. My mom asked Paree that what she was going to wear for tonight. Paree told her that she might wear saree or salwar, but was not sure as to what to wear. So my mom took her for shopping. I asked that in this village where one could find a shop. Grand Aunt replied that they have gone to the town and will be coming back by evening before sundown. It was only 10 o clock and probably they will come back by 3 in the evening. I could not think of anything to do for the five long hours.

I was furious on Paree and Mom, how could they leave me and go away.

Grand Aunt asked me to sit beside her. She started telling me stories of my childhood days at this house. I was laughing as I heard how naughty I was while I was a baby. I used to crawl all over the place and Paree used to run behind me. Subroto was then also a small boy. He used to take me to the pond behind the house. He used to catch fish with his small hook and we used to free those fish again into the pond. She said to me that she want to show me something.

Just then we saw a car to stop in-front of the house. I saw a few girls and ladies to come out. I and Grand Aunt ignored them as we walked past. She took me to the back of the house. After a long time, I came to this part of the house. We walked through the fruit orchard full of different trees; some of jackfruit, some of guava, some of mangoes and many more. After walking some distance, she pointed to the huge pond.

---“You see the pond, you probably don’t remember anything.”

---“Yes I don’t remember anything.”

She took my hand and took me to one corner of the pond and asked me to touch a mango tree over there.

---“Look at this tree. You were only four years old. One day after I finished my morning puja, you came to me and asked me to come with you. You showed me that you have planted this tree. See how it has grown all over the years.”

Grand Aunt gently rubbed her soothing palms all over my head and said ---“You have grown up so as this tree. This tree still bears very sweet mangoes, best of my orchard.”


She looked at me with bit of tearful eyes ---“My bones are getting old day by day, same is with your mom. I can feel her pain she has locked inside her heart for so many years.”

Slowly she sat on the earth, beside the pond and asked me to sit beside her.

She started saying ---“Ulupi, your mother has done a lot for our family. It was us, who misjudged her and went away.”

I yelled out ---“Didan, why are you telling me these? Just forget these things.”

She looked at me; I saw pain in her eyes. ---“One daughter, cut between two mother’s, separated by time. You will not understand.” She again shook me by my hair.

Just then I saw Indrani Mashi coming for us. On seeing her; we were bit astonished. Grand Aunt asked Indrani Mashi as what has happened. Instead Indrani asked Grand Aunt as what were we doing alone in the garden.

As we walked towards the house, Grand Aunt told Indrani Mashi about what we were talking about. Indrani Mashi told us that few guests have arrived from the bride’s house and was searching for her. She searched whole house and courtyard for us but we were nowhere, then someone told her that we were in the orchard.

On reaching the house, Grand Aunt was surrounded by several guests and ladies. I felt awkward amongst them so I backtracked from there.

Chapter 10: Dawn of a new person


I felt very lonely because Paree was not present. Just then Dushtu called me and said that I was summoned by Subroto at his room. As I entered I found that a new girl was sitting next to Maithili, Subroto looked at me and said that he wanted me to meet his sister-in-law, Maithili’s cousin sister, Arunima. He also said that Arunima was studying at B.A. first year in a college in Kolkata and they stays in South Kolkata. I sensed that Subroto was trying to get me acquainted with her young sister-in-law. I laughed in my mind.

Arunima, probably nineteen years old, a budding rose. She looked at me with her big black eyes. She was definitely good looking lady. I put my arms around Subroto’s shoulder and told him ---“Hey Mama, I want to be alone for some time. I am not actually feeling well.”

I looked at Maithili and bowed down before her, she smiled at me on seeing me bowing. She asked as what I was doing.

I smiled at her and said ---“Churni, you are very beautiful. I should have met you before.”

Maithili’s ears turned red, she looked quiet angrily towards Subroto as no one calls her this name, except him.

I nudged Subroto by his shoulder and told him that I was joking.

I went downstairs, asked for a cup of coffee and then went upstairs. There was no one, up stairs. I looked up, the sun was overhead. I walked to one corner, outstretched my arms, closed my eyes and I took a deep breath.

While sipping the coffee, I thought about Paree. I thought about our relation. In reality she was a distant cousin of my mom’s, and there is no blood relation amongst both of us. I was unable to make out the reason, why one would oppose our love. Only because, she was two years senior to me? Could that be a valid reason to oppose our love? I was her nephew but a very very distant one. I could not make my heart to understand why our love can be forbidden. No it was not forbidden. She is a girl and I am a boy, both are human being with heart beating evenly inside our chest. Society, we live in a society full of prejudices. No one, neither my mom nor Grand Aunt will understand us. Love happens, it strike suddenly, out of nowhere. You feel your heart racing faster when you are with your love. You feel your pulse stops, when your loved one is not with you.

I came back to senses as I heard a sweet voice ---“Hi, I came to ask you for lunch.”

I turned my head only to find Arunima standing behind me.

---“Oh! Yeah, I totally forgot for lunch, sorry. So who sent you here to call me? Your sister or brother in law?”

Arunima answered---“My sister asked me to call you as they are moving to take lunch.”

“So” on the way downstairs, Arunima asked me “You live in Kolkata?”

---“Yes, I live in north Kolkata and probably you are from south.”

---“Yes, from Dhakuria.”

I looked at her, she was definitely stylist. She wore a beautiful crimson coloured saree with backless blouse tied in a knot over her back-riff. She was also fair and of good physique.

---“So, you are into final years of college?”

---“Yes, I am.”


---“Then what?”


---“I mean what after college? You want to pursue higher studies or get a job.”

I asked myself, why this lady was asking so many queries to me.

I answered ---“I have to get a job. I am also doing my computers from a private organization.”

I asked her about her ambition. She said that she had none. She wants her life to be simple, complete graduation and then nothing. I nodded my head in accordance. Totally opposite of Paree.

At the dining place we found only two places to be vacant, so without any choice we had to sit side by side.

Maithili and Subroto were just opposite to us. Maithili whispered something in Subroto’s ears and they looked at us. I was damn sure that Maithili was trying to fix me up with Arunima. What a fool they could be, I thought.

During the whole luncheon, everyone was talking, but I kept silent. Just nodding and smiling some times to the words thrown to me.

After lunch, time was not passing by, I looked around. Again I was called by Subroto to one corner. He asked me as what has happened, what was the reason that I have become so quiet since morning. I told him that nothing has happened. I lied to him, that I was missing my heartbeat; instead I told him that Grand Aunt showed me the mango tree I planted some eighteen years ago. On seeing and hearing her I felt something to happen inside my chest, so I was bit into my shell. He told me to cheer up.

Subroto ---“You see, Arunima, why don’t you take her around the house? See she is perfectly matched for you. She is young, radiant, intelligent and stylist.”

I faintly smiled at Subroto ---“Oh! Dude, why are you trying to do this?”

---“Why, don’t you feel something after beholding such a beautiful lady? I am being asked about her by my friends and I am asking you to take her out and you are ignoring? What has happened to you? Now you go to the roof, I will send her.”

Ok, I nodded.

Chapter 11: Surprise waits


At the roof, I looked out to the horizon, over the green paddy fields. The sun had tilted westward, began his journey to retire. Paree had not yet arrived. I felt a writhing pain inside my heart as I thought that I had to part today. Those three days, went very event full. I could not ask for more from God, but I only wanted to spend some time alone with Paree; which was surely not going to happen. After sometime, everyone would get busy dressing themselves up, getting ready for reception. Guests would arrive. There would be crowd all over the place. We would not be able to spend any time alone with each other, and somewhat in the late-night we would leave this house. I sat alone on the railing, annoyed with myself that why I went to bath. I cursed myself for having my bath and drinking the other night. With both my hands I was gently banging my forehead, cursing myself. Corner of my eyes got little bit wet. My ears rumbled with the sound of thousands of glass shattering down into pieces.

I felt someone calling my name from a great distant. I regained my senses as I heard my mom calling me. I wiped my eyes before turning back. I found my mom was standing with Paree. Both were looking inquisitively at me. Mom came near me patted on my shoulder and asked me what has happened. I could not answer her. I just looked blankly at Paree who was standing little behind mom. From my blank expression less eyes, Paree sensed everything. She sensed the storm that my heart was having. She bit her lower lips to control her. Mom said to me that everyone in the house was enquiring about me as they could not find me as usual. Paree slowly walked towards mom and said to her that she would take care of me. Mom asked me to come down with her. I asked mom that why they did not wait for me or asked me to go for shopping with them. Paree understood that the query was actually thrown to her and not mom.

Mom said ---“Actually, I wanted to buy Paree a new dress and as you are not fond of shopping so we did not ask you. By the way Paree has bought something which will go well with your dress to night. Why don’t you check that up?”

As Mom turned to climb downstairs, she asked me that whether I would like to wear the suit that I had bought or the same Dhuti Punjabi as the wedding day.

Paree whispered in my ears that she has bought a tie for me and I should wear my Raymond Suit. I told mom that I would be wearing my suit. Mom walked down leaving me and Paree on the roof.

Paree took my face between her palms ---“I know, what all the pain that you bore in your heart. I am sorry.”

She kissed my forehead ---“Don’t be an emotional fool. You need to be a gentleman. If you breakdown like this, then to whom I will go? Have you ever thought of that?”


She pulled me by my hand ---“Come, you are still a little baby as you were years ago. Wipe your face properly, get dressed and then I have a big surprise for you.”

I took out her handkerchief which she gave me the other day and wiped my face and then asked her about the surprise. She smiled and me and answered that if she tells then it would not be a surprise.

We came down from the roof. Everyone was busy getting dressed up, ladies mainly. Paree and I went to Mom’s room. My grey coloured Raymond Suit was there on the bed and there was a beautiful blue striped tie. I looked at Paree. She smiled at me and asked whether I liked the present or not. I felt like hugging her right away but somehow controlled me as I saw my mom coming inside from the door. Mom asked Paree to go to Maithili’s room as the makeup lady has arrived. Paree looked at me with a sly look, she meant to say ‘wait for me’ and she ran out. Mom asked me to get dressed.

I came out of the room, looked around. I found that the sun had already set. Lights were glowing all over the place. Several heads turned towards me, I again felt that there was something different in me probably my dress. Subroto came to me; he looked dashing in his black Punjabi with golden embroidery.

“Dude, you again beat me. You look dashing in this dress.” He told to me patting on my shoulders.

“So” I put my arms around his shoulders “You have a big night tonight, and then you are going to Goa for honeymoon. I am very glad and honoured that we were invited to your wedding.”

He looked at me, staring blankly for few seconds ---“Hey don’t say that. Honour was always mine.”

---“Any ways, I found many things in these three days, more than I bargained. My lost childhood, my lost mango tree and those fishes you used to catch with me and let them swim free in the pond again.”

---“You are poet, a technical scientific dreamer.”

Just then Arunima came to me ---“Hi, dashing gentleman. You are going to give a spin to lot of ladies.” She whispered to me.

I laughed at her. She was looking radiant baby pink saree. A beautiful bun adorned over her head, sleek eyes, and long eyelashes. Subroto winked at me and left the place.

“I searched you after lunch, you were nowhere in the scene. Where were you?” She asked me.

Great God, I thought, this girl was not going to leave me. “Why were you searching for me?” I asked her.

--- “Just like that. No one was here of my age so I felt boring”

---“Hmmm… Wanna take a stroll with me?”

“Sure” She nodded her head.

“Sometimes the crowd can be boring. Is not so?” I asked her while strolling towards the courtyard. Many relatives looked at us as we walked past. I saw a sly smile on Indrani Mashi’s face.

“You are bit quiet. Are you like this always?” She asked me.

----“Yes, I tend to talk less with people. I think my frequencies don’t actually match with people.”

She smiled at me ---“Same with me. I don’t feel babbling all time except with few persons.”

---“I feel honoured that I am among those few persons you feel like talking.”

We both laughed at each other. Our conversation went on. Sharing several things. I came to know that she was the eldest daughter of two siblings. She has a little brother who was studying in class eight. Her dad was a government servant, works in the Writer’s Building. I felt I need to turn back to the house.

“Let us walk towards the house.” --- I told Arunima.

---“Can we walk a little more? Just like that.”

For few more paces we walked silently. Arunima stopped and looked at me.

---“Can I ask you a very personal question?”

---“Sure, throw away.”

“You don’t have any girlfriends? Do you?” She asked to me. I anticipated that the query would be somewhere near to this one.

---“What makes you feel so?”

---“You are very quiet and reserve type of person, that is why I thought that”

“Well, the thing is that, I don’t have time for having a fulltime girlfriend” I laughed at her.

She slyly smiled at me ---“Ohh… only small time affairs.”

---“No no, nothing of that sort; I have lots of friends and many of them are girls, but no one special.”

I heard a long breath released from her chest. I was smiling profusely inside my head.


Arunima told me that we should now return that we have come bit far from the house. I looked around, she was right. I was also in a deep fear that what if Paree finds us together.

While returning, most of the time we both were silent. As we were about to enter the house, Arunima stopped and asked me ---“We both live in Kolkata, why don’t you visit our house sometime?”

I smiled at her and nodded, giving her assurance that I would visit their house sometime. She pushed a piece of paper into my hand and walked away. She gestured that the paper contains her telephone number and I can call her. I just brushed my hair with my fingers looking at the piece of paper and smiling deep.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back to find Paree standing behind me.

With a sly smile on her face, she asked me ---“What all is going, hmmm…. Do I smell something fishy?”

I looked at Paree, from head to toe. Big surprise for me really. She was dressed in an expensive turquoise coloured Lehenga. As usual her skin was shining. Dimple on her cheeks as she smiled at me. Dupatta around her shoulders. Her belly was exposed. I felt a strong urge to go down on my knees to kiss her soft round belly all around her deep navel. Her big black eyes looking at me, smiling all the time, I was speechless, totally smitten by her beauty.

She swirled around to show me her dress ---“How do I look?”

My jaw literally dropped. “Ummm…… I am going to have a heart attack now.”

She whispered to me ---“Better than Arunima?”

“Uh….. Do I smell some ones heart burning?” I tapped on her dimpled cheek.

She pushed me playfully ---“Don’t you dare to?” pointing her index finger to me. I suddenly kissed her index finger.

---“Oh, come on you naughty boy, everyone is watching us.”


---“I need to talk to ChotoMa, come with me.”

My mom was there somewhere, talking to her relatives. Paree ran towards my mom and hugged her from behind. I stood at bit distant from the pack of ladies. Mom kissed her forehead.

Indrani Mashi came to me and asked that when will we be leaving. I told her that, I had no idea, my mom knows all. She looked at them, wiped the corner of her eyes with her fingers. In a hush tone she said to me ---“It will be very hard to console Paree today. I don’t know what is going to happen.”

I took away Indrani mashi from there, took her to a room. I sat by her feet and took her hands in mine.

---“Indrani Mashi, you are her eldest sister; if she sees you crying she won’t be able to control herself from now.”

She started sobbing, big drops of tears rolled down her cheeks.

“All these years, I have cursed her a lot.” Saying that; she started crying profusely. I tried to console her.

---“Wipe your face, Mashi. Please for my sake. Smile; see it is your brother’s reception. You should be happy. You should look happy.”

Indrani Mashi wiped her tears, kissed my forehead ---“You are a true gem.”

Meghna entered our room. She yelled at us ---“What is happening in this house? There in that room Ulupi di, Paree and mother-in-law are sobbing and here you two are crying. I will go mad. Get up, and don’t go into that room.”

I assured Indrani Mashi that I would take care of Paree, she need not worry.

Time was running very fast. Relatives have arrived and the reception house was bumbling with crowd.

I saw Arunima coming towards me. She asked me that where was I, her brother-in-law, mean Subroto was looking for me to have a family photo.

People have started their dinner already. I saw Paree with a bunch of ladies. I saw smile back on her face. I thanked to God that she has come out of all the emotional tears. Paree gestured me to come to her. She introduced with some of her friends. Two of them were already married. I asked Paree whether she was ok or not. She said nothing.

I told her that I should be calling mom and dad for dinner. She looked at me.

---“Why so early? Don’t you want to have dinner with me?”

Subroto called both of us to the reception, where Maithili was seated, to have a family photograph. I complied him.







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