











Years of Service

5 XP
"My girl...," Vijay Thakur reciprocated and, biting her lower lips with all the passion and intensity he could muster, accepted her as his own. "You will be each of those for me" And saying that he kissed her hard again sucking her tongue inside his mouth and sealing their relationship. Clandestine as it may be, it was erotic love between the two.

"And you shall be more than that, my Bahu. You will be what you can never imagine. Not just my wife and lover," he said lovingly but not hiding the inner lust and a sort of wickedness that brewed in his mind.

Vijay Thakur passionately kissed Rupa for a long time and as their lips parted in the end, he looked into her eyes and said, "You are a fertile woman, my dear." He continued "and, make no mistake, you will get my seeds and bring new life."

To Rupa nothing could be sweeter than these words. The very words made her glance at the two sacks that dangled below the man's enormous cock. Oh Yes! The pair was so, so big - just the size that matched the monstrous organ. They were full of fertile seeds, Rupa was sure of that and she was in no doubt that there could be but just one outcome of their erotic coupling that would follow soon and in the many days that followed.

Rupa could feel the man's nakedness as the dhoti that he was wearing earlier lay a distance away. Yet, the raw skins of the erotic couple had not touched each other. The man's lund pressed into sheer fabric that still covered her body, both impatient as each tried to be as near to the other as they could, pushing and pressing into each other with an urgency. Her breasts were squeezed into the man's chest, but these were still not fully bare as the young bahu was mostly covered by the nightie that she was wearing. She was eager for that touch now, raw skin against skin. There could be no doubt that her passions were now fully released and needed to be expressed fully.

Just at that moment she felt the patriarch's hands lift his body off her, a separation that surprised her at first. She quickly realised the purpose. In just fleeting seconds he had gripped the neckline of the disturbing nightie and torn it apart with his powerful arms. The flimsy nightie lay tattered on both her sides as Rupa lay completely naked except for the gossamer panties before her now wild father-in-law. Vijay Thakur stared at his bahu ... his attention directed at the lovely piece of garment that had hid snugly below her nightwear. It was soft, sheer and exquisitely laced and white. Oh! Help me! Vijay Thakur almost cried out just staring at the undergarment that hugged her. And the wetness? Those marks of her arousal? Oh, he loved it! He lowered his face on to spot; he was snared into taking a whiff of the essence of her sex.

Without further delay, Vijay Thakur's hands were on the tiny fabric that was her panties, pulling it down her thighs and legs. Taking it in his hand he stared at the wetness that stood out. Unable to resist, he placed his face on it, breathing in her sex. Rupa snatched it from his hand and quickly pushed it underneath the pillow.

Removal of the last shred of her garment instantly shook the very instinct of modesty that's inborn in a woman. No matter how much the couple had become free to each other Rupa still could not bear the nakedness that she was now exposed to by the patriarch. She covered her most intimate portions of her soft, delicate and desirable body. A hand lay across her breasts while another lay placed on her womanhood.

Her hands were small, and the patriarch must have had glimpses of the curly muff that had become so much of a part of her 'yoni' (vagina). She had even put one leg over the other, covering as much of the place as she could for now.

But the patriarch was in no stage of being deprived of this visual pleasure. He savoured every part of this woman. His woman! He exclaimed to himself. Her voluptuous curves with additions to them after childbirth, her soft smooth skin, the haughty nipples crowning the fulsome breasts, her curled up belly-button lying like a lotus in the middle of her stomach, the broadening rump, and oh! those tantalizing legs. She looked like a sex goddess who had been created for a single purpose. To be taken. He found her irresistible and simply divine.

Unable to prolong the torture of his aroused senses, Vijay Thakur gently but purposefully held her legs with both hands and separated them, a little at first before they were truly spread apart. He was now kneeling in front, staring intently and admiringly at this lovely, sweet and so very exciting bahu.

"Yes, Devi (goddess) you are mine," the patriarch said in lustful emotion. He expressed himself now through his kisses as he covered each area, starting from her lips. And each kiss increased Rupa's passion.

The kiss now seemed different, something that was far more ardent. He was savouring the taste of each of her sensitive areas, building up an inner fire so that it would wildly rage all over the woman who lay before him. He rested his face on her armpits, breathing in deeply and exclaiming the pleasures that her aroma gave him. Down further he went, as he kissed her navel and the point of focus that was her belly button. Rupa felt the mild kiss on the spot, a sort of tickling sensation but knew that the patriarch was bent on giving attention to each spot, wouldn't revere one at the cost of another. She waited expectantly, excitedly and shivered all over knowing what was soon to follow.

His face wedged between her thighs, the patriarch had placed his hands on her breasts, gripping them roughly as he squeezed the tender breasts of his bahu. His long thick fingers and thumb pinched the nipples, just hard enough for the girl to utter a small cry of pain. But Rupa liked that pain, delighted in the pleasure that she felt.

The patriarch's attention was now riveted fully on Rupa's 'yoni'. He stared at it at first, feasting on the site that lay in front of his eyes. The man had placed his elbows in between the thighs, applying pressure to part them, widen the gap so that he could behold the site of his bahu's naked womanhood, the wet, moist yoni of this woman whom he desired.

Soon, the thick lips of the man met the yoni lips, as if in a kiss. The moment of truth and touch had arrived. That Rupa was leaking would be an understatement. It was like an overflowing river, a fountain of her sex. She could make out the man smell her spot, taking in the aroma as deeply and keenly as he wanted.

Once the initiation to the woman's sweet, desirable spot was established the man's urgency revealed and expressed in the wildest possible manner. He licked the labia at first before he pushed in the tongue deeply inside, rubbing his face insistently over the muff. Rupa could not restrain herself - she moaned and cried incessantly and incoherently.

The patriarch could hear her murmur his name a hundred times ... Babuji oh Babuji ... my Babuji ... she went on ranting. At one point she had gripped the man's face with her thighs like a pincer, not wanting to let him move away even an inch, such was her arousal. Her juices streamed out, covering the entire area in her groin. But, more than that, her juices had spread completely over her babuji's face.

"Babujiiiiiiiii ..." she screamed at one point, loud enough to reverberate through the room and possibly beyond it as well. Would the maid be able to hear? But that was of little concern. They were far too immersed in their own erotic world and need. Rupa had collapsed on the bed, almost senseless in her excitement - such was her stage of intoxication for this man who was her rustic father-in-law.

The man stopped for a while on hearing this cry from the woman whom he now loved more than anything else, worried when she lay limp. Yet, his lust was high. His own stamina and virility, undoubtedly, were his biggest strengths. It would be impossible for a woman to lose her attraction for this man and Rupa was no exception.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" she whimpered.

The patriarch didn't stop, his face on the yoni remaining motionless for a few moments. But the intoxicating aroma that escaped from the leaking vagina of the bahu was enough to precipitate renewed action from him. His tongue was out, running along the slit, drying the spot only to see it moisten again and making him want to lick again. He lapped up the area as a cat would to milk, without stopping to take breath and making rough groaning sounds like a carnivorous animal.

The man's incessant kissing and licking on her 'yoni' was too much of an excitement and arousal for Rupa and she must have had one or two orgasms during this period. In the end, she could hardly control herself, wanting to merge her body and soul with this one man who was his 'sasur'. The excitement, the pleasure, the joy of the act was almost unbearable to the insane Rupa.

"Babuji, please stop!" she whispered out helplessly in the end, trying to bring in some semblance of sanity in herself by wanting the patriarch stop in these actions that were driving her insane.

The patriarch was more than surprised. To him the bahu had reached a level of intense desire from which it would be impossible for her to break away. And yet, to find this young woman asking for a halt to his own show of deep passion amazed him beyond measure. He stared at Rupa in disbelief. It was only that look of incredulity in her father-in-law's face that awakened Rupa.

"Babuji ...I find it impossible to control myself ... my entire body is craving for you in a manner that I feel I am going insane. I have never had this intense feeling ever before and I feel I have remained unfulfilled as a woman and a wife. I never want you to stop. My entire body is on fire and only you can douse it." Rupa's voice was full of need and lust, and these were feelings that she couldn't hide from the patriarch any more.

Her thighs once again gripped the man's head within as she threw her body in frenzy on bed, moaning incoherently once again.

"Babuji, I can't stay without touching you ... and holding it," she was shameless in her utterances.

Vijay Thakur's head was still captive within his bahu's cushy thighs. But this didn't prevent him from lifting his mouth from the juicy wetness to which he was now addicted.

"Neither can I bahu, neither can I. Believe me, I am intoxicated in this nectar that you offer so generously!" Vijay Thakur's voice was foaming uncontrolled lust.

Not to be undone in these insane expressions of their towering need Rupa whimpered, "Oh! Babuji, how I wish to take your 'lund' inside me now, and then again and again and again, as many times as you would like. I long to hold it inside my warm, wet womb!"

It was the insane outbursts of a young woman offering herself in totality to the unbridled passions of a man who was twice her age. The sanctity of their relationship lay buried in tempestuous lust that would be impossible to contain.

The words from his bahu touched a raw nerve in Vijay Thakur. The animal lust had taken over both his bahu and him alike.

"I cannot stay without touching your lund and holding it......" He heard her say.

The shy woman was now behaving like a randi (slut)... a bitch in extreme heat who would not stop at anything till her cunt was rampaged by her father-in-law. The very man who had brought out her animistic longing to surface. He was the one man to whom she no longer hesitated in outpouring her sexual outbursts. She didn't care how she looked or how she behaved in front of this man.

His naked bahu, whose nightie was just ripped off her torso, lay with her hair strewn, the sindoor (vermilion) was long since gone with just a faint smear remaining. The mangalsutra, the symbol of her wedded status, was dangling over her right breast.

Vijay Thakur's love for this randi woman grew. His lust multiplied with the words she uttered and the moans she emitted just now.

Vijay Thakur pulled her hand further up and placed it around his hardened cock. "And what does my bahu want to do with my lund ...?" His fingers grazing across her torso running up to her breasts,

"Babuji... " Her voice laden with lust "I want that dark beast ..."

"Yes..my wonderful.." He said while pinching her nipple that elicited another moan. "But tell me what you want the lund for...?

Nodding her head, as if pointing towards her crotch "I want him inside me, Babuji". Her voice besieging, almost begging in lust.

"Kahan .... naam bolo (Where...name it)?" Vijay Thakur had that impish grin when he asked her where she wanted his lund, and she had to say the right but unutterable word. For her, that was the most intimate part of her womanhood. Even that did not stop him from teasing and embarrassing her further.

There was a teasing tone in the manner the patriarch was talking to his bahu in this most ardent stage of their impending copulation. He was goading the young girl to come out with specific answers to his questions once the girl had blurted out her carnal desire to hold the man's lund.

Rupa was embarrassed beyond measure; it was one thing to say these things in the spur of the moment and in her rising desires, but quite another if the recipient indulged in questions that would make her say things far more boldly. She was primarily a shy, conservative girl but circumstances, ever since her husband had left for a foreign assignment, made her change far more than she thought was possible for her. Shyly, hesitantly, she went on answering her father-in-law's teasing questions.

"Meri choot mein (In my pussy) ... Babuji," her voice in whisper with the longing of a woman who could not wait to be taken.

"So, you don't feel ashamed to take that name? Hmmm," Vijay Thakur teased her.

"But you wanted me to say it, Babuji! And then you tease me? You put me to shame!" Rupa felt ashamed at Babuji's trickery in getting her to answer his question and then tease her. She covered her face with her hands.

Vijay Thakur played with her long, silky hair. He laughed, wanting to tease her more. Just as a loving couple would do.

"Hmmmm .... so, you want to take my 'lund' in your pussy ... eh, Bahu?" he persisted in his teasing.

Rupa went on answering all his impish teases but she was far too impatient; impatient because she could not hold herself further. She was already holding the monstrous cock in her soft, petite hands while rubbing her soft palm along the length of the shaft. Her palms were moist by the steady stream of precum that oozed out from the tip of the stupendously large, black, monstrous cock that she held in her hands.

Such was her rising lust that she was eager to hold her wet hands on her face, breathing in the aroma that intoxicated her. And even to feed on the juice that had wet her hand. Oh my god! She was insanely overcome with heat and want for this man and his organ. She kept wondering how it was possible that even though her marriage was more than a year now she had not succumbed to her lust for this real 'mard'. Perhaps, if she had stayed all along in her sasural (in-laws house), if she had constantly intermingled with her father-in-law, they would both have surely surrendered to each other much earlier. May be, she would then have been impregnated by this man's healthy and fertile seeds, and the child that she conceived and gave birth to would have been theirs -- hers and her father-in-law Vijay Thakur's.

The very thought made her crave more for the man in whose arms she lay -- naked with the fabric that was her nightie lying in tatters beside her. Every inch of her sexy, desirous body showed her to be as she felt like at that instant -- a randi to her Babuji.

The words that they exchanged between themselves, as they remained overcome in their arousing lust, were unthinkable to Rupa. In a saner mind she would have blushed and covered her face in shame. And to think that these were the words that she was saying to her Babuji or words that she went on hearing excitedly and eagerly from him, surprised her more.

She knew that she wanted the man desperately, craved to be taken by him, lusted for the 'lund' to penetrate deeply into her insanely aroused 'choot' and to remain embedded inside, ploughing the walls of her wet womanhood roughly and brutally.... for it had the size and strength to do so. The only cock that had ever entered her vagina was her husband's ... incomparable in any way with the one that was now ready for her. Her young 'chut' was greedy and oozing wetness for the experienced, massive, immensely productive sperm filled, black cock that was her Babuji's. The thought of the pleasure that would ensue sent waves of excitement all through her desirous body once again, and she shook and quivered in front of the patriarch's eyes.

When the man at last began probing her 'sex' with one of his thick fingers, the touch was electrifying to Rupa. Was sex so very sublime, so very heavenly? And what would it be like when he finally inserted his 'lund'? The patriarch was giving his bahu the most enjoyable sensation possible. Rupa could only cry out, "Babujiiiii!". This man, this rustic patriarch was taking her young body to dizzy heights of sexual pleasure. At that point she didn't want to compare him with her husband because she knew there could be no real comparison between the two.

With one hand she gripped the man's free hand, while she held Vijay Thakur's lund firmly. She moaned softly, as her eyes closed in pleasure.

"Abhi to angali dali hai (I have only inserted my finger), bahu," Vijay Thakur said when he heard her moan and, without holding back, he thrust his finger deeper..

Rupa could only moan out 'ahhh ...Babuji'.

The patriarch was probing the walls of Rupa's vagina, circling and swirling his finger around the insides of her 'chut', softly at first before the intensity increased. The young bahu soon felt the rustic man's finger playing with her clitoris, hitting the head repeatedly with the tip, ushering out more of her juices.

"Oiiiiiiii," she cried out as she squirmed, shaking her head on the pillow.

Rupa was really in ecstasy -- one that she had never felt before. She held on to the man's lund as if it was something very dear to her, pulling and squeezing the hard, thick shaft. But then she saw the patriarch taking out his finger, much to her anguish. But then, he was licking his own wet finger to taste the juices that had formed in her bahu's wet, slippery 'cunt'.

"Oh my god! What was Babuji doing?" She stared at him.

The removal of the man's finger had created a vacuum in her vagina that was impossible for Rupa to bear. She tugged at the lund again and again before crying words that expressed the heat inside her.

"Babuji .. mujh se raha nahi jaa raha (I cannot bear it any more) ...please," she begged of her playful father-in-law.

The words that they exchanged between themselves were expressive of their lust and desire. Rupa's inhibitions had gone out her mind ...it was her body that was speaking. Even when the patriarch uttered the unutterable, she didn't hesitate.

When Vijay Thakur asked how he should take her, she shamelessly said, "Apne lund se (with your cock)." She would never have been able to say these things earlier but her desires for this man, who had touched her most intimate part, had made her a shameless wife, a starved bahu who was clearly full of lust.

Vijay Thakur teased and played with her, using words and questions that only led her to be more and more open. He wanted her to be uninhibited in expressing her needs, prepared for sex whenever he wanted. He had a tireless libido that was impossible to contain or be content.

"Meri randi bankar mere lund ko legi (will you take my lund by becoming my whore)?" Vijay Thakur egged her on.

Red in the face and yet unashamed in her need, she blurted out, "Yes, Babuji I will be a whore to you."

In truth, Rupa did not want anything that would bar her from possessing this man's awesome 'lund' with which she was thoroughly in love now. Ever since she had seen it, and then touched it with her hands, and then given it the warmth of her mouth, she had become restless and obsessed for this magnificent organ of her father-in-law.

Unable to hold herself back anymore she wailed, "Babuji, Babuji .... dal doh lund meri choot mein ... chodo mujhe (Insert your cock in my cunt ...fuck me, Babuji)."

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Years of Service

5 XP
Vijay Thakur, himself, was finding it hard to wait any longer. "Toh.... le loo tumko (So, I'll take you)?"

Rupa nodded her head eagerly. "Yes, Yes .... Oh god!"

It took the patriarch the least time in pulling her legs apart by holding her soft, delicate, creamy thighs with the rough, coarse hands of an unsophisticated, rustic but strong, well built man. The moment the lips of her vagina was made visible there escaped a shriek of delight in the elderly Babuji.

"Ooooffff!" he cried hoarsely as he stared at her vulva and the reddish insides that led to the ultimate spot that he desired.

The exquisitely beautiful quivering lotus, drenched in its own heat, gaped at her 'mard'. Babuji feasted on the aroma that escaped now, intoxicating him more and more. The air was filled with the fragrance of her sex.

'Bahu, I know how young you are and how little experience you have with that really very modest cock that your husband who is my son has. You are seeing a cock that would surpass most cocks and may compare with one that is almost like a horse. I want to warn you, Bahu, that it will hurt you. Are you prepared?" Babuji asked, not hiding his concern for his bahu.

'Yes Babuji. I am more than prepared for what you possess. I have reached the point of no return and my 'chut' will be calm again only when the hot sperms rest inside it. I can't wait any more. Take me as you would take a slut ... roughly and without mercy," Rupa was panting as she uttered these shameless words.

There was no reason for Babuji to wait further. He put a hand on Rupa's who was already holding the throbbing cock and together they guided the cock towards the waiting 'chut'.

"Chodooon (Shall I Fuck) Bahu?" Babuji asked once more, whispering into Rupa's ears, as he nibbled them with his lips.

"Haan babuji, chodo mujhe (yes Babuji, fuck me)," Rupa said shamelessly.

The first touch, as the tip grazed the vulva lips, was electrifying for Rupa. The moment that she had been waiting for had arrived for her. She shivered.

"Oh! Babuji! Mere Babuji, mere mard (my virile man)! Ahhhhh ... .... kitni din ki pratiksha (I have waited so long)," Rupa cried in excitement.

The patriarch must have been surprised to hear these words. Waited for so long? What was his bahu saying? But he had thought that this had started coming only a day or two back! However, he didn't probe further, letting it remain a mystery till it surfaced later some other day.

Rupa waited, but within a few moments she felt the hardness making its first attempt to invade her waiting womanhood. Perhaps a few centimeters ... Babuji was being most careful, she knew. A surge of happiness filled Rupa. Her 'mard' was taking pains to see that she didn't get hurt before she was prepared. Pain would be the ultimate ... it was necessary to get the pleasure, but this experienced man was making the grounds ready for this remarkable, dark phallus with her.

"Does it hurt Bahu?" Rupa heard her man saying.

"No Babuji, push in more ... I want you to .. I can't explain how impatient I am ... I want the entire 'lund' in my 'chut' .... Babuji, .. aur intezar kar nahi sakti (I can't wait a moment)," she whispered.

"Toh samhal isey, bahu (then handle this, Bahu)." He warned.

Simultaneously with these words, the patriarch pushed in a bit more strongly so that a couple of inches had made a forcible entry. The 'lund' was unarguably thick and, by all counts, its width was too much for the young Rupa who yelped out in pain at first. Babuji stopped almost instantly.

"Did I hurt you?" the patriarch asked very caringly, wiping an involuntary tear of pain that trickled down Rupa's cheeks. It was a gesture of pure love even in that moment when the man was gripped in immense physical need. Rupa gushed in happiness, forgetting the hurt of the invading 'lund'.

"Nahin babuji ... aur phir dard ke bina kaun si sukh (No Babuji ... and what pleasure can there be without pain)?" Rupa said forgetting the pain.

Babuji's arm beneath his Bahu's back pulled her nearer, he kissed her cheeks and then had his lips on hers, pressing them passionately, parting them, as he became more and more engulfed in a passion that had been rare for a long time.

A rough, coarse hand held one of her breasts, squeezing and kneading them and running the palm over the nipples a few times. Then, at some point, he held a nipple at a time in his fingers and pinched and pulled them to his heart's content. "Beautiful, very beautiful" he went on saying all the while. And below, he pushed in a bit harder, allowing his lund to capture more of the wet space that remained taut and tight. He must have pushed in a couple of inches now, for there was another exclamation of pain from his bahu.

"Hey Bhagwan! Mai marr jayungi (Oh god! I'll die)!" Rupa cried but she didn't push away her babuji from over her body. Rather her arms around his back gripped him more. She kissed him passionately, her saliva mixing with his as their breaths intermingled. This time, however, Babuji didn't stop.

"Le Bahu, mera lund le. Lund mangtee thi naa? Le, aur le. Sarii raat tujhe chodungi, meri randi (Take Bahu, take my cock. You wanted my cock isn't it? Take it, go on, take more. I'll fuck you the whole night like a slut," the patriarch's voice was hoarse in lust.

He pushed in more, fucked her harder, pulled back a bit before pushing in a few inches more. It was now a rampaging lund, occupying more and more the open spaces that it found before it. With a final push, the entire length of that massive organ was imbedded in her wet choot!

"Oooohhhhh Maaaa! Bachao mujhey (Oooooh mother! Save me)," Rupa cried as the hardness hurt her. But once it was inside she took a few moments to control herself and let herself get adjusted to the initial pain. When the lund had settled, she basked in the pleasure of holding something within her that she had been longing for. The feeling was exquisite, and sublime and she was proud now. She was filled with joy for she had been able to let that enormous, hungry lund of her babuji and lover be fully accommodated inside her.

Rupa lowered a hand of hers to the point where both Babuji's lund and her own choot had united. She wanted to touch the spot and see for herself that he was fully within her, that she was capable of taking in this man's manhood -- the man whom she now loved, the man whom she could think of as no one else other than her husband. And she wanted him to fulfil that role, the role of fucking her, of giving her his fertile seeds and making her a mother again.

"Ahhhh Babuji," she was deliriously happy," chodo mujhe, jor jor se chodo (fuck me, fuck me hard)."

"Haan, haan, haan (Yes, yes, yes)," was the outburst of a raging bull in the patriarch.

"Harder, harder Babuji ... aur jor se ... choriye matt apni randi ko (harder Babuji, don't spare your whore)," Rupa was wild now.

They went on fucking each other, bound and entwined as they were like serpents, pushing and plundering, giving and taking, moaning and shrieking in the delight of sexual love and togetherness as the region around their pelvis wanted to be merged into each other. The bed squeaked at this violent physical activity and if anyone was in a room below theirs, would have wondered why!

How the time flew Rupa didn't know nor did she know how long this man, her lover, had been fucking her. Such a difference between his son and him! Whereas the son could not hold beyond a minute and left her unsatisfied, the father was so virile, so much of a mard. He could prolong the act for the woman to be deliriously fulfilled. Her eyes had closed, and she had dug her long nails into the man's back, scratching him without a care. Rupa arched her pelvis into the man to take his weight on her. She had entwined her legs around his back but now she had raised and put them over his shoulders to get more of him within her.

The patriarch was far too experienced and knew the art of prolonging his ejaculation. In between, there would be moments when he would be immobile, except for the passionate kisses that he showered on his bahu. But, lower down, there was calm and waiting. Waiting to strike and push again, so that he could continue their love making to dizzying heights for his lovely Rupa.

"Tell me when you really need me, when you wish to take what I long to give ... take your time," Vijay Thakur said. His power of retention was extraordinary, and something that his dead wife had appreciated time and again when she was alive. Vijay Thakur always wanted to ensure his partner's satisfaction. Or else, he never felt happy or satisfied himself. Rupa was drowned in unthinkable pleasure, as she squirmed and received her Babuji. Endless moments, before she had reached orgasm. She was now ready to receive, for she had been fully satiated in her sexual want as she had been truly swept over by endless waves of lust and desire. She moaned and moaned.

Rupa was awoken from her stupor when she heard the man warning her, "Bahu ... meri rani ....anewala hai (Bahu ...my queen ...I am about to cum)!"

Rupa wanted complete fulfilment. She wanted his seeds deep inside her, inside her womb.

"Yessssss, Yesssss, Mere andar (Inside me) ... Babujiiiiiiiiiii," she cried.

"Leh, Leh isey (Take, take this)" he howled into her ears as she felt him gripping her arms followed by the most intimate of kisses on her lips and cheeks. Vijay Thakur had opened his lips and, hungrily and wildly, closed it around Rupa's mouth. He sucked on her lips, even biting softly.

And then the dam burst as he let himself go and ejaculated his unending load stored in his two big testicles. Spurt after spurt of warm, fertile, thick seeds were filling her womb as the man pulled back only to push in harder after each burst.

"Take this!" He warned.

"And this!" He repeated.

"Whore! You wanted to be fucked, eh? You deserved to be fucked by no less a cock than that of the master of the house. I'll fill that womb of yours with my thick seeds. I'll breed you, make those breasts swell with milk for my pleasure." He was remorseless as he plundered his young bahu's cunt mercilessly, just like she wanted. Rupa was thrilled beyond measure. She was delirious in happiness.

She blacked out in pure ecstasy by Vijay Thakur's merciless thrusts till her womb was filled to the brim. In the eyes of the creator, they were now one. And they were ready to procreate!

When they had truly completed their love act, and had regained their breath, they kissed each other. Their passions had subsided but their inner love for each other had grown beyond measure. In between their kisses, they expressed their love.

"Bahu ... my queen ... I love you," Babuji said lovingly. "I promise I'll love you as a man loves a woman, just like a husband loves his wife. It will no more be between a bahu and her sasur (father-in-law)."

"Babuji ... I cannot express how much joy you have given me. Mai sirif aap ka hi hoon, har din har waqt! (I am only yours, every day every night) I am yours totally from today and I shall love you as no other woman has loved a man more," she whispered in deep love.

Rupa watched her father-in-law who had a smile of content on his face. He stroked the bahu's hair, parting it to see the sindoor that spread across and, in a token gesture, ran his fingers over the line. To Rupa, who couldn't see his hands, it was a gesture of possessing her with application of vermillion, even though he didn't apply any yet. By now, his enormously long and hard manhood had shrunk and become softer, although it was still much larger and harder than what Rupa had ever experienced. It still remained embedded in her cunt.

"Bahu, I'll have to withdraw my lund for a while. You'll not feel sad?" he asked apologetically.

"No Babuji, because I know that it has taken possession of my 'chut' and I can always have it whenever I want," Rupa said a bit shyly.

But the instant he had taken his lund out Rupa could feel the vacuum that had been created. The parting hurt her in mind just as much as the entry had hurt her physically. However, she could sense that the enormous load of thick juices that had filled her yoni was trying to gush out. She was horrified that it would spill and spoil Babuji's bedsheet and create utmost embarrassment to both.

"Babujiiiiiiii," she tried to stretch her hand on the only available piece of clothing that did not belong to this room -- her lacy panties. It was underneath the pillow beside her, but with Babuji's heavy body on her, she was unable to move.

Her father-in-law realised her predicament and quickly stretched his hand to grab the panties from underneath the pillow. Instantly, he placed it on the leaking 'pussy' of his bahu. In moments, the tiny fabric was fully wet with the sticky goo. He cleaned the area thoroughly as he kept looking at his Bahu, who shyly looked away.

Once that was done, he was about to clean himself, as he brought it nearer to his withdrawn shaft. Rupa quickly held his hand, preventing him from doing what he wanted to do. She took the panties in her own hand and threw the piece underneath the bed. "Only I will clean it," Rupa whispered before she seriously remarked," From now on, it will be my duty to clean it after we have made love!".

As Babuji remained on his hands and knees, Rupa quickly slid her body along the bed till her face was underneath the patriarch's cock. She held the lund, still covered in sticky juices, with her hands, and then cleaned the surface with her tongue. Even when it was thoroughly cleaned of every trace of the stick cum, she went on licking, causing a growing hardness once again.

"No bahu! Tonight, we will not indulge in it again. I love you too much to hurt you again on the first night. I know what a monster this is and how hard and brutal force it has. As you get used to my savage 'lund' I will plunder your 'chut' and all that you have in that beautiful body of yours. Yes Bahu, again and again, every night. But not tonight, my dearest!" Babuji said caringly and kissed her on her lips. He hugged her close.

The words once again made Rupa love the man. He was truly a great lover, no doubt about it and he could fully satiate a woman with both emotional and physical love, such that would make any woman bask in sheer joy and wish for perpetual binding.

"Yes Babuji, as you wish! Then, at least, let us sleep in one another's arms. Surely you will not deny that to me?" Rupa pleaded.

Babuji laughed and nodded his approval.

As they settled comfortably on the bed, Rupa looked horrified at the white bedsheet. There were unmistakable signs of her Babuji's sticky cum that had dribbled out of her pussy at some point.

"Babuji!" she drew the man's attention. He simply laughed it off.

"So? Does that prove anything about our intimacy? Sleep peacefully Bahu without worrying so much," Vijay Thakur assured. Rupa made a mental note to clean it the next morning.

Soon they were in each other's arms, their lips inseparable even in sleep, their breath blowing into each other's face. It was as if they were made for each other, to be for each other. Rupa felt she was never as near, physically or mentally, to her husband. Vijay Thakur, on the other hand, looked back at his life and wondered if he had found real love again in his young daughter-in-law, who could fill his emotional void and physical needs fully.

The couple's physical nearness and activities had begun with Vijay Thakur suckling his bahu's breasts sometime around three at night. But it was now past five. Clinging together, they fell asleep. Their relationship had changed entirely. From Bahu and Father-in-Law, they had become lovers.......

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Years of Service

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It was past 7.00 when the bright sunlight woke up Rupa. She was horrified and embarrassed at having woken up so late. As a bahu, she always got up much earlier, and by this time she was in the prayer room after her bath. By 8.00 everyone would be at the dining table, having their 'nasta' (breakfast), with the patriarch at the farthest end of the table and his bahu always beside him. This was his wish and command.

"Babuji. Get up, get up ...oh my god, I am so late!" She pushed the patriarch a few times and picking up her tattered nightie that lay on the bed, she hurriedly got down from the bed. But that was the farthest that she could get.

Vijay Thakur just stretched his strong pair of hands and gripped the pretty bahu by her waist. He pulled her on to the bed and on to his lap. Both were completely naked.

The 'hardness' of the patriarch immediately on awakening was not lost on Rupa. She felt the eager 'lund' probing the crack of her rump and strong hands that were soon mauling her milk laden breasts. A squirt or two trickled on to Vijay Thakurs hands.

"Choriye Babuji (Leave me, Babuji)," she cried out. She felt excited but stifled her want because of her daily chores that needed her attention and were no less demanding.

"Why? A bahu's rightful place is on her sasur's (father-in-law) lap," Vijay Thakur laughed as he fondled her.

He swung Rupa on the bed so that she now lay face down with Vijay Thakur on top. He was still gripping her breasts.

"Babuji, please! I am late. I'll not be able to face the household if you hold me back further," Rupa wailed. Her cries fell on the deaf ears of an aroused mind.

Vijay Thakur was sliding his body down over Rupa's back. He kissed her neck and then on her shoulders, gradually moving down across her soft creamy body. He released her breasts when she reached her rump, parted the soft, fleshy curves of her butt and stared at the crack and the hole that it nestled.

"So lovely," he uttered, not hiding the intensity of his rising lust. Unable to resist, he had brought his face down on to the spot.

Vijay Thakur sniffed the area as he dug in his nose.

"Ahhh!" He exclaimed, as he took in whiffs at the spot, one after the other.

Rupa wriggled on bed, trying to free herself. She was deeply embarrassed at the patriarch's inappropriate outbursts on such an intimate part of her body. Vijay Thakur didn't hide his intoxication, sniffing and moaning as his eyes remained closed.

In one moment of Vijay Thakur's slackness Rupa slid out of his grip, almost pushing her feet on the man's shoulders with all her strength for leverage to break free. Before Vijay Thakur could realize the intentions of his prey, Rupa was out from his clutches.

With her tattered nightie still in her hands, she quickly ran away to the adjacent bedroom which was hers. In her hurry, Rupa forgot to take the wet panties that she had thrown underneath the bed, an inadvertence she would rue later.

In less than an hour she had her bath and got ready for the day. She was wearing a pretty, red saree with a golden border, a matching golden silk blouse and a red petticoat. Underneath, she was wearing the most exotic pink lingerie, full of laces and even had a thin frill border. The bra sat nicely on her breasts, extending the beauty and shape of her already beautiful curves of her bust.

Rupa looked at the mirror and wondered if she had worn it for her Babuji. Would he look at it admiringly? Would he fondle her breasts? She smiled at herself. How the man had taken over her mind! Her thoughts always revolved around him alone.

She parted her hair and applied a thin line of vermilion like ***** housewives do. But she was unsure who it was for. Was it only for Ajay Thakur to whom she was married? Or, for someone nearer? After her torrid love making with Babuji the previous night, was it for this elderly father-in-law?

She rushed quickly to the prayer room. She just hoped that Babuji would have got up and completed his bath. If he too was late! Oh god, what would everyone think?

Normally, he was in the sitting room by 6.45 having his morning cup of tea, doing rounds at the cow shed, inspecting his cows, talking with the servants and telling them their outside duties for the day. Then sharp at 8.00, he would come and sit at the dining table. Today, even he was late and that must have been a surprise to everyone.

Rupa completed her prayers in fifteen minutes, but didn't forget to pray for her husband which she usually did. But this day, she had some special thoughts and prayers for her Babuji too, wishing him well, wishing his long life and yes, praying for their love.

Oh god! How much she was in love with him now.

Soon, she hurried to the kitchen, first to see that the cook had prepared the 'nasta' or if they required her help. Satisfied, she dashed across to the dining room where everyone seemed to stare at her for being late. She should have been the first at the dining table, as others came in one by one. Today, she was the last. It was 8.10. She was embarrassed and apologized, first to Babuji, for that was the custom in the rich yet rural family, and then to the others who were all elder to her.

The patriarch was, fittingly, sitting at the head of the table. The first seat from that end was vacant, obviously left for the loving bahu of the household, Rupa. She came and sat down demurely, her head covered with the pallu of her saree.

Such was Rupa's embarrassment at being late that she fumbled with the spoon in her hand. Unfortunately, the spoon slipped out of her hand and fell on to the floor. Rupa blushed in more embarrassment. The young bahu of the house was making a mess of everything.

She mumbled a soft apology, as she bent down to pick up the spoon.

"Meri galti hui. Mujhe maf kijiye Babuji (I am at fault, forgive me)," her voice was most apologetic.

In the process of picking up the spoon, as she bent down her pallu (saree end covering her breasts) slipped of her shoulder. An involuntary glance at her breasts and cleavage revealed her curves. Just underneath the blouse, she glanced at the outlines of her lace bra. She knew Babuji would be happy if he saw her in her latest lingerie pair.

She was about to get up and out from underneath the table when her eyes fell on the parted thighs of Babuji sitting on his chair. The 'dhoti' that he was wearing couldn't hide the bulge that lay in between. The two orbs and the thick cock that rested on them were conspicuous under the thin fabric that comprised the dhoti.

Rupa's thoughts, for an instant, went back to the previous night and the rampaging organ that was resting barely a couple of feet away from her face.

It was then that the horror of her forgetfulness hit her! Oh my God! What had she done! Her soiled panties was lying on the floor of Babuji's bedroom. Imagine! Bahu's panties under the master's bed! That too, the panties that would have the unmistakable signs of the man's sticky cum! Rupa turned red in the face. She couldn't get the patriarch's attention from underneath the table and neither could she remain in that position for long. She gave a mild tug on his dhoti before she got up.

Babuji must have realized something was amiss but he said nothing. He just glanced at Rupa who was trying to say everything with her eyes that expressed an imminent danger. Just then Matasari entered the room, carrying the awoken child in her arms.

Anjali, Anurudh's wife, asked, "Where were you Matasari? You are supposed to be here during breakfast. You know that."

"I was cleaning malik's (master of the house) bedroom," she said seriously. What was left unsaid was that it was not her fault if the man was late in vacating his room. Obviously, she was hinting that the master had got up unusually late himself and she could attend to it after the master had vacated.

"I did your room too, Bahurani," Matasari continued to say, but she smiled mischievously at her. Rupa was certain that the maid had found her panties and blushed. The patriarch might have witnessed it.

Soon everyone was getting up from the dining table having finished their meal. As Rupa got up Vijay Thakur told her, "Bahu, I want to have another cup of tea ... prepared by you."

Turning to Matasari his booming voice said," Won't the child have his bath now? Get him ready. Bahu will go to her room shortly after she gives me a cup of tea." Matasari turned and quickly left the room. So did the others.

Everyone feared the patriarch. Babuji and Bahu were left alone now.

"You wanted to say something Bahu?" the master of the house asked. He was worried that something might have happened to his grandson that had made his bahu restless.

Breathlessly and in whispers, Rupa said, "Babuji, I made a big mistake. I forgot to bring away my panties from your room this morning. I left it underneath the bed where I threw it after you cleaned me. You heard what Matasari said just now? She must have seen my undergarment in your room. Oh! What will she think? Babuji I am scared!"

Rupa's face didn't hide what she felt. She was now tense, scared and nervous. She looked at her Babuji. Was he angry on her? Or would he take control and do whatever he thought would be best to protect the dignity of his bahu and himself?

"Toh tum apni kachhi mere bedroom pe chor ke chali ayii? (So you left your panties in my bedroom?)" Vijay Thakur asked his bahu. There was no anger in his voice, no concern at all. Just understanding and sympathy for his bahu.

Although he wanted to, he could not reach out and take her in his arms at that moment. He wanted to hold her hand and reassure her that there was no reason for worry. Yet, there were concerns - maids are easily the quickest carriers of gossip. It would be a source of immense speculation, and certainly spicy for the household and neighbourhood, if the news about the bahu's missing panties got leaked.

"Do not worry bahu. It will be fine." Vijay Thakur assured her.

"But Babuji.. " Her face filled with alarm and eyes moist as she stifled her cry.

He wanted to reach out and hold her hand. Yet he restrained himself.

"I will take care of it bahu." His voice sounded cool but there was sternness and resolve.

She quickly wiped a tear with the help of the pallu of her saree.

"Go to your room bahu. I will speak to Matasari. And you do not worry. All will be fine." His voice exuded the confidence that he always had in his ability to take care of things.

"Yes, Babuji," Rupa said and slowly proceeded towards her bedroom. There was relief in her face after Babuji's reassurance. She gathered her pallu over her sleeveless blouse, covering her ample and proud breasts underneath the soft fabric.

Vijay Thakur, one for never putting anything till later, got up and walked down to the courtyard where the maid, Matasari was playing with Varun in her arms.

"Matasari.." he beckoned, carrying the authority of the head of the family, "Go and leave Varun with bahu. Then you come here, I have something to till you."

"Ji babuji," she bowed her head and hurriedly picked up Varun and went off in a hurry.

Vijay Thakur too got up after Rupa had walked away. Everyone else had moved away to other parts of the house after breakfast. The morning sun was now lighting up the courtyard. The patriarch walked along the corridor glancing at the closed door of Rupa's bedroom. He felt an urge to walk in but resisted. He'll have all the opportunity at night to hold and fondle his lovely bahu.

Vijay Thakur opened his bedroom door and walked across to his favorite lounging chair. He waited for Matasari and thinking about this small predicament that had fallen on him and Rupa.

Vijay Thakur heard the shuffle of Matasari's feet as she approached his room. She and her husband were longtime employees of the household. She was around thirty-three years of age and, like rural womenfolk involved in strenuous physical activities since childhood, had a very shapely figure. She had a somewhat dark complexion, having been exposed to harsh sunlight, but she had a longish face that was rather pretty in a way. And she did have a lovely smile and was very lively.

Matasari's husband, due to exigencies at home, had sought Vijay Thakur's permission and left for his distant village a year back. Matasari would visit her husband every six months or so. Her last visit was about four months back.

"Babuji, aapne bulaya? (Master, you have called me)?" she asked from the door.

"Yes, yes ... Matasari.. come inside." His voice was soft, not betraying the anxiety in his mind.

"Yes Babuji." She walked in. As was customary she left the door open. She came and stood in front of Vijay Thakur with hands folded. Her saree wrapped around her torso and the pallu across her shoulder and head.

"How's your husband?"

Her face was polite and grateful, "He's ok I think. I haven't talked with him for quite some time. But his brother was here a week back. I learnt from him that everything is fine back home."

Vijay Thakur nodded. "I just hope you are happy. You have been staying alone for a long time without your husband."

"Why not, Babuji? You all take so much care and are so watchful of my needs. Why shouldn't I be happy?"

"Even then. After all, you stay alone." Vijay Thakur crossed his muscular legs, covering part of the dhoti beyond the thighs.

"I have become used to this life. What can I do?" She sighed one, not hiding her disappointment at having to live without her husband and the needs of a separated couple. But she quickly recovered.

"Then why don't you call him back? What work does he have in the village and living without his wife?" Vijay Thakur was trying to sound considerate and sympathetic before he went on to discuss the embarrassing topic on Rupa's panties.

"No Babuji. I am okay." She felt a bit uneasy and pulled her pallu further across her body as she watched Vijay Thakur uncross his legs.

Vijay Thakur kept silent for a while as the maid fiddled with the end of her saree pallu. Abruptly, he fired the bombshell without warning as he watched her reaction.

"Have you cleaned my room this morning?"

"Yes Babuji," her face darkened as the import of his question hit her.

"When?" He asked calmly without betraying any emotion.

"Just a while ago." Her face was visibly distraught, and her breathing was rapid.

"Did you find anything?" Straight, to the point. Vijay Thakur wanted to get this over with quickly.

"Wh ...what Babuji?" She stammered, stalling for time. She had no idea that the patriarch would ask this question about an intimate apparel of a woman, and his bahu.

"Go on. Speak." His words were now definitely firmer, and serious.

"Yes, Babuji" Her face looking down at the floor. She was not sure how to answer his question.

Vijay Thakur was unrelenting. "Batao... Kya mila tha (Tell me, what did you get)?" he had lowered his voice, but the message was distinct.

"Babujiiiiii ..." Matasari was astounded when Vijay Thakur questioned her in that manner.

"Tell me. Don't be afraid, Matasari."

The maid hesitated before she blurted, "Kachi (Panties) ...from underneath your bed," she trembled to say this to the master.

"Whose is it, eh?" More embarrassing question for the maid.

Matasari covered her face. The questions were getting more and more difficult for a woman to answer. Who would, in real life, ever talk about such matters with a man and that too with the master of the house. And now to have to talk to Babuji about them! She was distraught.

"Whose is it?" He repeated himself, unmoved and with an expressionless face.

"Bahuji ki ...I think it is hers," she quickly went through with her answer.

"How can you say?"

"I wash her innerwears ... Babuji, so I know," the maid answered.

"Do you know what that means, Matasari?" His voice soft and eyes penetrating hers

No words came out. She nodded.

"And, and ... did you see the stains on my bedsheet?" He asked.

Matasari again nodded her head.

"Go and close the door," Vijay Thakur said.

She froze at first, reservations and shyness getting hold of her. But then, she slowly moved towards the door, shutting it and came over to Vijay Thakur.

"Come here ..." he pointed to the carpeted area in front of his seat.

Matasari slowly walked up to him and stood in front. He reached out, took her hand, and pulled her down to sit on the floor.

"Have you talked with anyone about this?" He asked. His hand still holding hers but neither she nor the patriarch made any attempt to free their hands.

"Nahin (No), Babuji."

"Matasari.. dhyan se suno ...yeh hamisha tumhere under hee rahna chaheye ( Listen carefully, Matasari .. this should always remain within you)." Vijay Thakur's voice was commanding.

"Yes Babuji." Her cold hands were starting to warm up within the big palms of the master.

"I have always treated you and your husband very close to me and my family. I hope you realize that, Matasari?"

"Yes, Babuji.., " she said, nodding her head firmly.

"You will not even tell your husband. Understand?"

She nodded before respectfully affirming, "No, I will never tell him. Believe me, malik (master)."

"Matasari .. I have always relied on your loyalty. Don't ever betray that trust." He pressed her hands.

The maid was embarrassed and blushed.

"I will take care of you. In turn, you will take care of me and Bahurani. We will be mutually helpful to one another, trust me." Was it only her trust that Vijay Thakur was seeking? Was there any hidden intent?

She was voiceless. Her eyes were brimming as she nodded.

He reached out and took her face in his big hands.

"Batao kya karun tumhere liye. Paise ki baat mut karna .. wo mai dekh lunga. (Tell me, what I can do for you? Don't just talk about money for I'll meet that requirement." The patriarch's voice was husky.

She stared at him, trying to fathom the inner meaning of what Vijay Thakur Singh was saying.

"Go on. Tell me ... Matasari. Don't fear." He urged. His fingers still touching her cheeks. A shiver ran through Matasari.

"Not now, Babuji.. Some time later ... when the time comes," her tremulous voice betraying fear and emotions too. She decided to keep her wish on hold. Only time will help her to extract the best at that point of time.

"Bahut Acha. Kabhi bhi.. Samaj gai na (Very good. Whenever you wish, eh? You understand?" He repeated his offer.

"Jee.. Babuji. (Yes master!)" She was shivering with an odd sensation.

"Where have you kept that 'kachi' (panties)?" Vijay Thakur asked abruptly.

"Babuji ... In my room."

"Go and bring it now," he advised her, pulling her up on her feet.

Matasari returned quickly with an unwashed saree in her hand which Rupa had kept aside for washing. The soiled panties was hidden inside the folds of the saree. She bolted the door again.

He nodded to her, "Show me."

She opened the folds of the saree in front of the patriarch. Visible before the eyes of Vijay Thakur lay the pinkish white panties of his bahu. Clearly visible were abundant streaks of dry 'cum' - evidence of intense sexual intercourse and discharge. It also spoke of the rich virility of the man ...for the discharge was by no means meager.

"Jante ho .. yeh kya hai..(you know what this is)?" He asked her blatantly as his fingers slowly brushed over the dry coating on the surface of the flimsy fabric.

"Yes ... Babuji." She whispered.


"Yours ... there's so much!" She couldn't look at Vijay Thakurs's face and, having said so, immediately bit her fingers in shame.

He nodded. "Yes, there's lot of it." He remained passive but gloated in pride at his virility.

The maid kept quiet, breathing deeply.

"You keep those here," he pointed to the sofa and then continued, "and go by that door and call bahurani. And remember to clean my bed-sheet today itself." He had pointed at the connecting door between his room and Rupa's.

"Babuji.." she was hesitant.

"Yes, yes ...go," and then continued "Just remember, you just take care of your bahurani, she must never be put into any difficulty."

"Yes, Babuji.. I know."

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Years of Service

5 XP
She went to the connecting door and knocked mildly. The door opened with Rupa standing beside it and cradling Varun in her arms. Matasari took the baby from Rupa's arms and pointed towards Vijay Thakur.

"Bahu.. Babuji bula rahen hain (babuji is calling you)," Matasari told Rupa.

Rupa waited at the door for a few moments. Matasari's face was submissive and yet they were protective. She was the benign servant of Rupa but at the same time, she had to take care of her.

"Come.." Matasari whispered and almost led Rupa to the patriarch.

"Bahu.." He called her lovingly.

"Babuji.." Rupa said shyly, standing with her head bowed.

"Everything is okay...," he assured, "I have spoken with Matasari. She has understood everything. Her work from now on would be to look after you and take care of you. Understood Bahu?"

Rupa eyes met with Vijay Thakur's and his gentle smile put her at ease. She knew it would be alright.

"You can talk with Matasari on any matter. Any matter. She will maintain secrecy." Vijay Thakur said to Rupa. He looked at Matasari too, who nodded.

"Aur wo apne sath le jana (and take those with you)." He pointed to the folded used saree.

"Yes Babuji," Rupa said, as she walked across to pick up the saree and what lay hidden inside. Matasari quickly dashed across.

"Bahurani, please give it me," she said in an act of servitude as Rupa picked up the saree and her hidden undergarment. She smiled at Rupa as their hands touched.

"Should I clean the undergarment and keep it in your wardrobe?" she whispered, but the patriarch could hear it.

Honestly, Rupa didn't want to wash this piece. To her this was a memorable and valuable keepsake of her first conjugal union, of some heavenly moments of sheer joy, with her amazingly virile father-in-law. How wildly and lovingly he had flooded her vagina with his thick cum, and it was this sticky goo that had been rubbed into this fabric! She would never want to wash those first traces of his fertile cum. It was something Rupa wanted to preserve, and savor the moments when she would be alone.

"No, No, don't bother Matasari ... you just keep it on my bed," she said softly. To her it seemed that everyone in the room would catch on to the purpose of her not wanting it to be washed. This time too, her sasur heard what she said. He smiled, but none of the women in the room saw it.

"Chhor do Matasari. Sayed Bahu ko woh kachi dhulai karna pasand nahin (Leave it Matasari. May be Bahurani doesn't want that particular undergarment to be washed)."

This time the patriarch laughed aloud. Rupa was red in the face and dashed out of the room, taking the sari and her used undergarment with her. Matasari turned and looked at the patriarch, her face too in a mischievous grin as she understood what the master of the house was hinting at.

"Master, Bahurani is so ashamed and coyish," Matasari laughingly said, "Let me go to her."

"Listen Matasari. I want that you two become very good friends ...if not in front of everyone, at least in privacy," the head of the family said. Matasari nodded her head to indicate she would obey and dashed off after Rupa.

In the meantime, after rushing off to her room, Rupa came and sat down on her bed, her face flushed. She didn't even put the unwashed undergarments inside her almirah, such was her shame in having been caught by both the master and the maid. Why did she have to say it so nakedly, Rupa thought to herself. Just then, Matasari entered her room smiling.

"What's the matter Bahurani? Why are you feeling so shy? Haven't you heard what the master has said? I have understood everything he has said. And from today my duty is to look after you. Even then you are feeling shy?" Matasari told Rupa.

Matasari had come nearer and, taking liberty of the patriarch's advice, she held up Rupa's chin with her fingers. Somehow, the distance between a maid and her 'malkin' (mistress) seemed to have been pushed away and neither of them hesitated or felt bad. Although she was a respectable 'bahu' she was still a young girl whereas Matasari was more than ten years elder to her.

Rupa felt a growing warmth towards the maid and the fact that she now knew about her relationship with her sasur made her warm up to her more. You always require a chaperon in such relationships.

"Has Babuji told you everything, Matasari?" Rupa asked hesitatingly. It would be far more embarrassing if the maid had come to know, in details, exactly what happened the night before.

Matasari bluffed a bit so that Rupa would open out more. She wanted to know everything from the young bahu, and with tactful and leading questions, she was certain that the immature girl would ultimately confide in her.

"Haan, yehi ki raat bhar aap dono bistar mein (Yes, that the entire night you two ... on the bed) ..." she started giggling.

Rupa blushed instantly and covered her eyes with both hands, "Oh god! Shame! Shame on me! ... Oh why! Why did he have to tell everything?"

Matasari, who was standing near, held Rupa's hands with hers and pulled them away from her face.

"No, don't feel ashamed Bahurani. Tell me everything. Maybe I can help you more, who knows?" Matasari ran a hand along the young girl's back. She had, by now, come and sat beside Rupa and had her arm around her comfortingly.

"No, I can't tell you. Matasari why are you embarrassing me more?" Rupa blurted.

"Okay, don't tell. But, come one, at least when I put questions then tell me. Or else, how will I help?" Matasari pursued.

Rupa nodded her head. She had no other way to wriggle out of this situation.

"Achha ye batao Bahurani, kya malik tum se behat pyar hai ya nahin? Tumhe us me kuch shak hai ya nahin (Very well, just tell me - Babuji loves you very much, doesn't he? You don't doubt that, do you)?" Matasari asked.

"Babuji loves me too much. I don't have any doubts on that," Rupa said from the core of her heart.

"And you Bahurani? Your love, your desire for him?" Matasari was drawing the girl into a web of surrendering questions.

"I too love him a lot. I can't live without him now!" The girl was speaking out the truth from the depths of her heart. Her entire thoughts, her entire mind and her entire body ached for this man who was her father-in-law.

"Achha ye batao bahurani ...aab to malik, jo hai apka babuji, apna mard bana. Sach mein ek baat kahogi? (Then tell me something. The master, who is your father-in-law, has now become your 'man' and lover. Will you answer one thing truthfully)?" The maid asked.

"Haan ..koshish karungi (yes, I will try)" Rupa whispered.

"Koshish nahin. Batana paregi (Not just trying ... you have to tell)," Matasari was adamant.

Rupa helplessly nodded her head.

Matasari giggled. They were like 'sahelis' (friends) now and one had to be open and not secretive.

"Phir batao Bahurani ... unka 'woh' kaise laga? Jis se ek mard ka pehchan hota hai, (Then tell me one thing ... Ummm ... how did you like his 'thing' ...the one by which you recognize a real man)?" The maid made no distinction between her and the bahurani, no distinction in their standing and relationship. She was not being just the maid, but a very close and bosom friend of Rupa.

"Jao ..tum bhi Matasari, kaisi batein karti ho (Oh Matasari! What questions you ask)?" Rupa smiled shyly.

"Bahurani. I will tell about an incident. I was dusting the rooms one day while Babuji was standing in the verandah talking with someone. That day, he was not wearing anything underneath his dhoti, possibly having taken off his langot (underwear) before he was scheduled to go for his bath. I could see the underlines of his body underneath the thin material of the dhoti. What to tell Bahurani! He is a real 'mard'. It was so big, so big, something I never knew was possible in a man. I cannot imagine what size it would have been when he would be making love!" Matasari was giggling like a young girl. Even Rupa couldn't help but started giggling too.

"Yes, you cannot imagine how big it is when it awakens, Matasari," Rupa replied, casting aside her shyness.

"Toh aaj raat dikhao ... darwaja khul ke rakhna ... Babuji ko maat batana ..thik hai (Then show it to me tonight... Keep the door between the rooms open ... Don't tell Babuji)?" Matasari immediately seized the opportunity to make a request.

"Oh! Matasari ... what sort of things you tell!" a mock scolding from Rupa.

"Bahurani ..." Matasari was almost begging for an invitation to the visual delights of rare erotic copulation between an elderly 'mard' and a sexy, young bahu. Possibly, she could also be wanting to have a view of the naked organ that she could only imagine after that dhoti covered view earlier. Begging, cajoling, pulling the young bahu's arm Matasari tried everything but Rupa remained unmoved. She was too shy and felt too ashamed to even think of it.

Till, at last, Matasari threw the last dice.

"Bahurani ..ek baat batayun? (Can I tell you something)?" she asked.

Rupa nodded her head in approval.

"Babuji ke liye aap ka itna pyar hai dil mein. Aap ne kuch der pehle ye bhi kaha ki aap unka bina raha nahi sakogi. (You have so much love for Babuji. Sometime back, you said you cannot live without him. Didn't you?" Matasari asked tactfully.

"Haan (Yes)," Rupa replied, without realizing that she was being led into a trap.

Saach batao ..kya aap unko pati ke roop mein chaheto ho nahin (Tell truthfully, don't you want to see him as your husband)?" Matasari was asking.

"Haan," Rupa nodded her head without fully knowing where this was leading.

"Agar sambhav hota, kya aap unse shadi bhi nahi karta (if it was possible, wouldn't you have married him)?" the maid asked.

"Haan Matasari ...lekin who kabhi bhi sambhav nahin (yes, but that's not possible ever)," Rupa replied.

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He took her in his arms and pulled her in tighter. The need between them was rising rapidly. He took her face between his hands and lustily whispered "Kiss me, bahu," and then uttered "You are my life.. my darling.. mine..whatever you wish will be done."

Rupa, unable to contain her lust, opened her lips. Vijay Thakur pressed down on them, their lips brushing against each other. A raging fire quickly swept them in, as they kissed passionately now, right in front of Matasari, a maid in their household.

Such was the intensity of their kiss that even Matasari's face exhibited an arousal in her. Seeing a rugged father-in-law and his desirous bahu locked in an illicit mating was sending waves of excitement in her that would eventually be difficult to control. She was now a party to these happenings, and these were but instigation to her own arousal and desires.

Rupa ventured to ask of her Babuji, "Can I tell her you have agreed?"

"Yes, my sweet bahu... my little one.. yes, yes, you are too precious.. my wonderful one. Go on, tell her that we want her to be the witness." And he showered more kisses on her.

Rupa turned her head around and looked at Matasari.

"Babuji, do you know, she has arranged for some flowers which she has discreetly kept outside so that it doesn't attract anyone's attention," Rupa said excitedly to her father-in-law, "She'll soon get them to the room without anyone's knowledge,and then she will place the flowers and petals around your bed like a nuptial bed."

Vijay Thakur looked at her with a smile and asked, "My bed? Or is it ours?" Rupa felt ashamed for her mistake.

Vijay Thakur smiled again, "So, you both seem to have become bosom buddies... such playful scheming. Hmmmm." He gave a playful pat on Rupa's butt.

"But you wanted us to be real 'sahelis' (friends), Babuji." Rupa tried to counter Vijay Thakur's teasing.

"I love it bahu... you fill my heart with joy... and love," he whispered, still holding her close in his arms.

"Our marriage will put the stamp of proper parentage on our child," she whispered with her face hidden in his chest. And then continued emotionally, "because we will have children... Isn't it so, Babuji?"

Vijay Thakur broke into a broad smile. His heart warmed up with love for the girl in his arms. "Yes ... my Bahu... we will certainly have children... and I will get to have more milk over a longer period of time."

"Just imagine, Babuji! Our child ... from your virile fertile sperms."

"And my most wonderful Bahu.. we will have the best and healthy kids... yes?" He was basking in thoughts of little ones playing on his lap, ones he brought to life by him, bred by his fertile seeds. "Varun will get brothers and sisters to play with."

"Yesssss Babuji' Her voice full of desire and love. "I am so excited ...I should share this with Matasari." She had been whispering till now so that Matasari may not hear.

Vijay Thakur laughed. He was full of love for his bahu for what they now planned and for her enthusiasm. "Yes, yes, go and tell her... I am sure that nymph will have been aroused by all this happening."

"Babuji ... the babies will be born out of wedlock and would have a common bloodline and ancestors... with Varun. Isnt it a nice feeling?" Rupa asked, meaning his existing child out of Ajay Thakur, her husband and future children out of Vijay Thakur, her father-in-law.

"It is a nice feeling, my dearest Bahu, ...now that we will be wedded .. they will be our children."

"Belonging to this family," she proudly intoned, "Babuji's family."

"Let this be a very special moment of ours ... you can have this 'lund" the whole night ...Bahu... and let Matasari see as much as she wants. For that would stamp approval our marriage in the Gandharva way."

"Ohhh Babujiiiii,"she cried in joy as Vijay Thakur's hands roamed all over his bahu, sensually exploring each sensitive nerve of his sexual bahu.

"The insemination will be completed only in the early morning ..when the birds start to sing..when the sun rises to herald a new day ... and a new life." Rupa said in complete ecstasy.

Vijay Thakur's thoughts centred on his bahu. Her love and desire to bear his seeds and that too at the right moment, seemed so right for a healthy child to be born. And, for that to happen, they would have to frolick in bed all night, engaging in sexual intercourse, with Matasari witnessing every intimate deed and act. He wondered how aroused the woman would be seeing mating all through the night when she had not been to her village and husband for months. Of course, Vijay Thakur was aware of his own capacity and physical ability in retention for a long period.

"My love.. Yes...Yes. So shall it be." The thought sent a shiver through his body, causing some renewed hardness underneath his dhoti.

"I know Babuji you can retain till then, isn't it?" she queried. As if that was the only time anything would happen.

"It will not be one time during the night bahu..that is for sure" He smilingly cautioned her. The hardening phallus was getting ready to ravage his bahu many, many times.

"Yesss .." she cooed. "for it will be our union of love."

Vijay Thakur closed his eyes and held her close "Yes,my dearest, it will be our union of love."

They were so locked in embrace, not caring that Matasari was right there. Vijay Thakur just glanced at her for a moment and saw her face. She blushed instantly, eyes somewhat low and her twitching lips exhibiting arousal.

Rupa in his arms looked so pretty in her wedding finery. Her lips had the coat of red lipstick that was somewhat smeared by their passionate kiss. The hair was well braided and kept

"I will not be able to think of anyone as my husband other than you after the night is over," Rupa said.

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Years of Service

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He took her in his arms and pulled her in tighter. The need between them was rising rapidly. He took her face between his hands and lustily whispered "Kiss me, bahu," and then uttered "You are my life.. my darling.. mine..whatever you wish will be done."

Rupa, unable to contain her lust, opened her lips. Vijay Thakur pressed down on them, their lips brushing against each other. A raging fire quickly swept them in, as they kissed passionately now, right in front of Matasari, a maid in their household.

Such was the intensity of their kiss that even Matasari's face exhibited an arousal in her. Seeing a rugged father-in-law and his desirous bahu locked in an illicit mating was sending waves of excitement in her that would eventually be difficult to control. She was now a party to these happenings, and these were but instigation to her own arousal and desires.

Rupa ventured to ask of her Babuji, "Can I tell her you have agreed?"

"Yes, my sweet bahu... my little one.. yes, yes, you are too precious.. my wonderful one. Go on, tell her that we want her to be the witness." And he showered more kisses on her.

Rupa turned her head around and looked at Matasari.

"Babuji, do you know, she has arranged for some flowers which she has discreetly kept outside so that it doesn't attract anyone's attention," Rupa said excitedly to her father-in-law, "She'll soon get them to the room without anyone's knowledge,and then she will place the flowers and petals around your bed like a nuptial bed."

Vijay Thakur looked at her with a smile and asked, "My bed? Or is it ours?" Rupa felt ashamed for her mistake.

Vijay Thakur smiled again, "So, you both seem to have become bosom buddies... such playful scheming. Hmmmm." He gave a playful pat on Rupa's butt.

"But you wanted us to be real 'sahelis' (friends), Babuji." Rupa tried to counter Vijay Thakur's teasing.

"I love it bahu... you fill my heart with joy... and love," he whispered, still holding her close in his arms.

"Our marriage will put the stamp of proper parentage on our child," she whispered with her face hidden in his chest. And then continued emotionally, "because we will have children... Isn't it so, Babuji?"

Vijay Thakur broke into a broad smile. His heart warmed up with love for the girl in his arms. "Yes ... my Bahu... we will certainly have children... and I will get to have more milk over a longer period of time."

"Just imagine, Babuji! Our child ... from your virile fertile sperms."

"And my most wonderful Bahu.. we will have the best and healthy kids... yes?" He was basking in thoughts of little ones playing on his lap, ones he brought to life by him, bred by his fertile seeds. "Varun will get brothers and sisters to play with."

"Yesssss Babuji' Her voice full of desire and love. "I am so excited ...I should share this with Matasari." She had been whispering till now so that Matasari may not hear.

Vijay Thakur laughed. He was full of love for his bahu for what they now planned and for her enthusiasm. "Yes, yes, go and tell her... I am sure that nymph will have been aroused by all this happening."

"Babuji ... the babies will be born out of wedlock and would have a common bloodline and ancestors... with Varun. Isnt it a nice feeling?" Rupa asked, meaning his existing child out of Ajay Thakur, her husband and future children out of Vijay Thakur, her father-in-law.

"It is a nice feeling, my dearest Bahu, ...now that we will be wedded .. they will be our children."

"Belonging to this family," she proudly intoned, "Babuji's family."

"Let this be a very special moment of ours ... you can have this 'lund" the whole night ...Bahu... and let Matasari see as much as she wants. For that would stamp approval our marriage in the Gandharva way."

"Ohhh Babujiiiii,"she cried in joy as Vijay Thakur's hands roamed all over his bahu, sensually exploring each sensitive nerve of his sexual bahu.

"The insemination will be completed only in the early morning ..when the birds start to sing..when the sun rises to herald a new day ... and a new life." Rupa said in complete ecstasy.

Vijay Thakur's thoughts centred on his bahu. Her love and desire to bear his seeds and that too at the right moment, seemed so right for a healthy child to be born. And, for that to happen, they would have to frolick in bed all night, engaging in sexual intercourse, with Matasari witnessing every intimate deed and act. He wondered how aroused the woman would be seeing mating all through the night when she had not been to her village and husband for months. Of course, Vijay Thakur was aware of his own capacity and physical ability in retention for a long period.

"My love.. Yes...Yes. So shall it be." The thought sent a shiver through his body, causing some renewed hardness underneath his dhoti.

"I know Babuji you can retain till then, isn't it?" she queried. As if that was the only time anything would happen.

"It will not be one time during the night bahu..that is for sure" He smilingly cautioned her. The hardening phallus was getting ready to ravage his bahu many, many times.

"Yesss .." she cooed. "for it will be our union of love."

Vijay Thakur closed his eyes and held her close "Yes,my dearest, it will be our union of love."

They were so locked in embrace, not caring that Matasari was right there. Vijay Thakur just glanced at her for a moment and saw her face. She blushed instantly, eyes somewhat low and her twitching lips exhibiting arousal.

Rupa in his arms looked so pretty in her wedding finery. Her lips had the coat of red lipstick that was somewhat smeared by their passionate kiss. The hair was well braided and kept

"I will not be able to think of anyone as my husband other than you after the night is over," Rupa said.

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Years of Service

5 XP
His heart was thumping hard as he heard Rupa say this. They were lovers now, about to become man and wife in a few moments, just as they cherished.

"You will be my wife ... my love ... mine alone," his heart was full of love for this wonderful girl, "and I will still call you Bahu, for that lovely word signifies both."

"And I will apply vermilion on my forehead as a stamp of that marriage" she said with love, "Each morning, after my bath ... you will be in my thoughts when I apply it."

Vijay Thakur tightened his grip, and once again planted a passionate kiss on her red lips. This time even biting her lower ones as his own passion started to reach dizzying heights of need.

"Yes, that is the sacred sign of our marriage... after we have cohabited, mated and made each other one," he concurred.

For the gandharva marriage to be completed, they had to become one in a heavenly way... with he inside her. The lingam had to be inside the yoni, and would have to spurt rich seeds inside her womb. And that heavenly moment would have to be witnessed by someone. For them, on that day, it would be Matasari.

"Babuji, I'll wear a mangalsutra around my neck - the heavenly sign of our marriage," Rupa gushed.

He smiled. His love for her bounded, "Yes, my love, you shall have it. It will be the bond of our relationship as husband and wife."

Now getting a little playful, she ventured, "Maybe the one you gave to sas (mother-in-law) ... no one would doubt it then, because there would be nothing unsual for a bahu to be given this one by her father-in-law."

To Vijay Thakur, it was such a wonderful idea. What could be better sign of their wedding "Yes.. I believe I have it secured inside the almirah..yes..yes... that will be right " He was brimming with joy "Bahu.. you are so wonderful, did you know that?" She always made him happy, the patriarch felt.

"I will put away the one I am wearing now," placing her fingers on the Mangalsutra that signified her union with Ajay Thakur, "this will be replaced by one that you would make me wear after our marriage."

Rupa kept thinking about this unique ornament. In the eyes of the world it would be the same yet, in their minds, it would be a symbol of their Gandharva union, of a unique wedlock known to none except Matasari.

"And each night we will always be husband and wife," her voice had a hidden naughtiness as she ventured into the future.

"Yes, sleeping in our conjugal bed..in a way nature made us to be," Vijay Thakur agreed with Rupa, and then went on to say, "fulfilling the duties and obligations of a wedded couple." He laughed merrily.

He knew that there would be very few clothing separating them. They would be naked as nature made them.

"Always sleeping together on your bed," she cooed like a happy bride, "what a lovely feeling!"

He held her tight - his bride, his love and his girl.

"Yes..my darling.. Yes," he replied, "you always make me happy..bahu."

"My duty as your wife ... to fetch happiness for you." She looked up into his eyes and there was abundant love for the man. And there was a naughty look too, that made him restless.

"Just be prepared that I will give you all the experience in bed you can ever imagine...and some that you may not even have imagined ever... Bahu," Vijay Thakur made it very clear to Rupa.

"Yes babujiii ... I will accept that to happen." For she was now truly his and was ready for anything with him. She trusted him fully.

He kissed her passionately again, perhaps for the hundredth time. "And you can whisper to me whatever comes to your mind..." he went on further. "for you will be my ardhagni (wife)."

"You know, Bahu?" He ventured after a while.

"What, Babuji" Her voice betrayed the inner turmoil and the raw lust that was coming from within her.

"I want to see you in your full glory... I want to witness you as you are ... the way god made you." For, Rupa stood in front, in her bridal dress and jewelry and yet, these very items of marriage, would have to be discarded in the process of marriage being adopted by them. "You'll have to part with your dress, Rupa. That's very necessary in this marriage."

It was to be a carnal wedding, the completion of which depended on consummation alone. The mating, when witnessed by another person, was indeed equivalent to the seven 'pheras' that traditional ***** weddings would have.

In a way, the wedding dress that Rupa wore was a prelude. The real wedding dress would be what Mother Nature had gifted to them at birth and then enhanced the beauty of her creation in her own way.

"That will always be ... in bed ... isnt it?" The innocent bahu, whose irresistible lust and desire were no longer hidden, thought of her imminent marriage.

"Yes, but for that, I want to undress you now... as a bride in waiting ... and worship her as my future wife." Vijay Thakur held her in his arms, before he moved back and looked at the goddess of love that stood in front of him.

"But you said about things I cannot imagine ... what are those?" Her curiosity had gripped her young mind. She wanted to know, she was keen to explore, and the need to be taken was unabated in the young Rupa.

And then, as an afterthought, she said, "if that is what you want ..yes babuji .. you can." She was shy. But she was ready to surrender herself completely to this man. It was for him to decide, and for her to follow.

"You will know all the things that we will explore and do... Bahu... but for now, I want to see you. Just you, without any adornment, without any stitch to cover. Just you, in the way I will take you."

She stood there for a moment. Her face expressing her turmoil, and there was twitching of her lips. An intense lust seemed to be brewing within her.

"Undress me, Babuji." She stood in front of him. With no reservations, no holds. She was ready to be taken in the way her master and lover wanted her to be.

He was holding her hands and watching her pristine beauty. Unknowingly, they had commenced the wedding rituals for there was no set format. He took her face in his hands, adored his beautiful bahu "I love you Bahu" He said without thinking.

Rupa lowered her face eyes with her head bowed. She nodded briefly, 'I love you, Babuji. Make me yours."

He played with her for a few moments and then started to remove each piece of jewelry. One piece at a time. They were so intricately worn and of which Vijay Thakur had little knowledge. His ignorance was soon noticed by the maid Matasari, who quickly came to his aid.

Together, both Vijay Thakur and Matasari removed her nathani (nose ring), her tikka (head ornament), her earring, her bangles, her anklets. Even the mangalsutra that she was wearing, but Rupa allowed only Vijay Thakur to take it off her. This was the only time Rupa had taken the mangalsutra off her neck, so auspicious it was to a ***** married woman. She placed her fingers on the sutra just for a moment, as if resolving in her mind that the transition was for a brief period only and had a purpose. And then, she let go.

When all the jewelry was removed, he nodded to Matasari, who promptly stepped back. Rupa stood there, not moving anywhere excepting for that occasional bout of shivering that went through her body now and then. Vijay Thakur's heart was thumping aloud, his breathing revealing his arousal.

He took the pallu of the saree off her shoulder and pulled it off. Rupa stood like a goddess, with her full breast jutting out proudly underneath the blouse. Vijay Thakur held the end of the saree in his hand, paused while savoring the beauty of the woman who stood before him.

His eyes feasted, he started unwinding the six yards of the finest silk that comprised her saree, from around her. He gently untucked the fabric from her petticoat. Rupa, like any girl would do in this situation, instinctively brought her hands up to her chest to cover her modesty in front of the two persons in the room. One to be her husband, and the second who had quickly become her closest confidant and friend.

The process of making Rupa naked was slow but it was not endless. Parting of each apparel revealed more of her beauty - her lovely skin, her silky body, her appealing curves. All that made a woman beautiful, alluring and sexy.

Vijay Thakur's eyes were glued on his bahu and when, for a moment, he looked towards Matasari, the scene was no different. Matasari's eyes were also savoring the voluptuous shapes of Rupa. Clad in a saree with her pallu almost drooping of her chest, Rupa was unaware of her state. Her breasts heaved up and down in her incessant lust. Vijay Thakur unhooked her blouse and gently took it off her shoulders and then out of her arms and hands. She stood in her blouse and petticoat.

Vijay Thakur moved closer to his bahu. His hands at first roamed over naked her arms as he grasped them in ownership. He watched, with awe, the slow rising and falling of her milk filled breasts. The nub of the light brown nipple was clearly visible through the translucent lace bra. Her bare arms felt so soft to his touch. Vijay Thakur wanted more of her. She was irresistible.

His hands moved away from her arms to the side of her bare body. The smooth silken soft body increased his arousal. He placed his hands on the bra, running his hands admiringly over its intricate laces. He couldn't be happier than this. His gaze went down as also did his hands, running along the naked arms, and the sides of her body, over her belly button as he worked his way down.

Rupa let out a moan of pleasure. Her eyes closed, and her face arched upwards in an expression that showed her need to be kissed. Vijay Thakur leaned forward and kissed her on her neck and just below her earlobes.

She moaned again "Babuji.."

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Years of Service

5 XP
His heart was thumping hard as he heard Rupa say this. They were lovers now, about to become man and wife in a few moments, just as they cherished.

"You will be my wife ... my love ... mine alone," his heart was full of love for this wonderful girl, "and I will still call you Bahu, for that lovely word signifies both."

"And I will apply vermilion on my forehead as a stamp of that marriage" she said with love, "Each morning, after my bath ... you will be in my thoughts when I apply it."

Vijay Thakur tightened his grip, and once again planted a passionate kiss on her red lips. This time even biting her lower ones as his own passion started to reach dizzying heights of need.

"Yes, that is the sacred sign of our marriage... after we have cohabited, mated and made each other one," he concurred.

For the gandharva marriage to be completed, they had to become one in a heavenly way... with he inside her. The lingam had to be inside the yoni, and would have to spurt rich seeds inside her womb. And that heavenly moment would have to be witnessed by someone. For them, on that day, it would be Matasari.

"Babuji, I'll wear a mangalsutra around my neck - the heavenly sign of our marriage," Rupa gushed.

He smiled. His love for her bounded, "Yes, my love, you shall have it. It will be the bond of our relationship as husband and wife."

Now getting a little playful, she ventured, "Maybe the one you gave to sas (mother-in-law) ... no one would doubt it then, because there would be nothing unsual for a bahu to be given this one by her father-in-law."

To Vijay Thakur, it was such a wonderful idea. What could be better sign of their wedding "Yes.. I believe I have it secured inside the almirah..yes..yes... that will be right " He was brimming with joy "Bahu.. you are so wonderful, did you know that?" She always made him happy, the patriarch felt.

"I will put away the one I am wearing now," placing her fingers on the Mangalsutra that signified her union with Ajay Thakur, "this will be replaced by one that you would make me wear after our marriage."

Rupa kept thinking about this unique ornament. In the eyes of the world it would be the same yet, in their minds, it would be a symbol of their Gandharva union, of a unique wedlock known to none except Matasari.

"And each night we will always be husband and wife," her voice had a hidden naughtiness as she ventured into the future.

"Yes, sleeping in our conjugal bed..in a way nature made us to be," Vijay Thakur agreed with Rupa, and then went on to say, "fulfilling the duties and obligations of a wedded couple." He laughed merrily.

He knew that there would be very few clothing separating them. They would be naked as nature made them.

"Always sleeping together on your bed," she cooed like a happy bride, "what a lovely feeling!"

He held her tight - his bride, his love and his girl.

"Yes..my darling.. Yes," he replied, "you always make me happy..bahu."

"My duty as your wife ... to fetch happiness for you." She looked up into his eyes and there was abundant love for the man. And there was a naughty look too, that made him restless.

"Just be prepared that I will give you all the experience in bed you can ever imagine...and some that you may not even have imagined ever... Bahu," Vijay Thakur made it very clear to Rupa.

"Yes babujiii ... I will accept that to happen." For she was now truly his and was ready for anything with him. She trusted him fully.

He kissed her passionately again, perhaps for the hundredth time. "And you can whisper to me whatever comes to your mind..." he went on further. "for you will be my ardhagni (wife)."

"You know, Bahu?" He ventured after a while.

"What, Babuji" Her voice betrayed the inner turmoil and the raw lust that was coming from within her.

"I want to see you in your full glory... I want to witness you as you are ... the way god made you." For, Rupa stood in front, in her bridal dress and jewelry and yet, these very items of marriage, would have to be discarded in the process of marriage being adopted by them. "You'll have to part with your dress, Rupa. That's very necessary in this marriage."

It was to be a carnal wedding, the completion of which depended on consummation alone. The mating, when witnessed by another person, was indeed equivalent to the seven 'pheras' that traditional ***** weddings would have.

In a way, the wedding dress that Rupa wore was a prelude. The real wedding dress would be what Mother Nature had gifted to them at birth and then enhanced the beauty of her creation in her own way.

"That will always be ... in bed ... isnt it?" The innocent bahu, whose irresistible lust and desire were no longer hidden, thought of her imminent marriage.

"Yes, but for that, I want to undress you now... as a bride in waiting ... and worship her as my future wife." Vijay Thakur held her in his arms, before he moved back and looked at the goddess of love that stood in front of him.

"But you said about things I cannot imagine ... what are those?" Her curiosity had gripped her young mind. She wanted to know, she was keen to explore, and the need to be taken was unabated in the young Rupa.

And then, as an afterthought, she said, "if that is what you want ..yes babuji .. you can." She was shy. But she was ready to surrender herself completely to this man. It was for him to decide, and for her to follow.

"You will know all the things that we will explore and do... Bahu... but for now, I want to see you. Just you, without any adornment, without any stitch to cover. Just you, in the way I will take you."

She stood there for a moment. Her face expressing her turmoil, and there was twitching of her lips. An intense lust seemed to be brewing within her.

"Undress me, Babuji." She stood in front of him. With no reservations, no holds. She was ready to be taken in the way her master and lover wanted her to be.

He was holding her hands and watching her pristine beauty. Unknowingly, they had commenced the wedding rituals for there was no set format. He took her face in his hands, adored his beautiful bahu "I love you Bahu" He said without thinking.

Rupa lowered her face eyes with her head bowed. She nodded briefly, 'I love you, Babuji. Make me yours."

He played with her for a few moments and then started to remove each piece of jewelry. One piece at a time. They were so intricately worn and of which Vijay Thakur had little knowledge. His ignorance was soon noticed by the maid Matasari, who quickly came to his aid.

Together, both Vijay Thakur and Matasari removed her nathani (nose ring), her tikka (head ornament), her earring, her bangles, her anklets. Even the mangalsutra that she was wearing, but Rupa allowed only Vijay Thakur to take it off her. This was the only time Rupa had taken the mangalsutra off her neck, so auspicious it was to a ***** married woman. She placed her fingers on the sutra just for a moment, as if resolving in her mind that the transition was for a brief period only and had a purpose. And then, she let go.

When all the jewelry was removed, he nodded to Matasari, who promptly stepped back. Rupa stood there, not moving anywhere excepting for that occasional bout of shivering that went through her body now and then. Vijay Thakur's heart was thumping aloud, his breathing revealing his arousal.

He took the pallu of the saree off her shoulder and pulled it off. Rupa stood like a goddess, with her full breast jutting out proudly underneath the blouse. Vijay Thakur held the end of the saree in his hand, paused while savoring the beauty of the woman who stood before him.

His eyes feasted, he started unwinding the six yards of the finest silk that comprised her saree, from around her. He gently untucked the fabric from her petticoat. Rupa, like any girl would do in this situation, instinctively brought her hands up to her chest to cover her modesty in front of the two persons in the room. One to be her husband, and the second who had quickly become her closest confidant and friend.

The process of making Rupa naked was slow but it was not endless. Parting of each apparel revealed more of her beauty - her lovely skin, her silky body, her appealing curves. All that made a woman beautiful, alluring and sexy.

Vijay Thakur's eyes were glued on his bahu and when, for a moment, he looked towards Matasari, the scene was no different. Matasari's eyes were also savoring the voluptuous shapes of Rupa. Clad in a saree with her pallu almost drooping of her chest, Rupa was unaware of her state. Her breasts heaved up and down in her incessant lust. Vijay Thakur unhooked her blouse and gently took it off her shoulders and then out of her arms and hands. She stood in her blouse and petticoat.

Vijay Thakur moved closer to his bahu. His hands at first roamed over naked her arms as he grasped them in ownership. He watched, with awe, the slow rising and falling of her milk filled breasts. The nub of the light brown nipple was clearly visible through the translucent lace bra. Her bare arms felt so soft to his touch. Vijay Thakur wanted more of her. She was irresistible.

His hands moved away from her arms to the side of her bare body. The smooth silken soft body increased his arousal. He placed his hands on the bra, running his hands admiringly over its intricate laces. He couldn't be happier than this. His gaze went down as also did his hands, running along the naked arms, and the sides of her body, over her belly button as he worked his way down.

Rupa let out a moan of pleasure. Her eyes closed, and her face arched upwards in an expression that showed her need to be kissed. Vijay Thakur leaned forward and kissed her on her neck and just below her earlobes.

She moaned again "Babuji.."

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Vijay Thakur's bare hands explored more. His hand grabbed her tight butt over the petticoat, filling them in his large palm and giving them a tight squeeze. The pair of her butt curves felt nice and Vijay Thakur persisted with more. He snorted in lust as he felt her panties.

And then, in one moment, he moved swiftly and found the strings that lay to one side of her petticoat. His fingers remained there for a moment exploring the way the knot was made, found the right strand and pulled hard. The knot opened without a hitch as Vijay Thakur drew out the petticoat from her waist. All it needed was a little nudge of his fingers before it fell swiftly to her feet and lay in a heap on the ground.

She let out a moan, coupled with an unsuccessful attempt to retain the garment "Babuji.." she moaned. Her hesitancy was because of Matasari.

Standing now in just a lace bra and panties that barely covered anything, Rupa looked extremely desirable. The see-through lace of her panties allowed her pubic hair to be on full display, and her nipples were now hard against the distended fabric. And her waist was flat, despite the child birth.

Vijay Thakur took a few steps backwards to get a full view. He moved even further back for a still fuller view and stumbled against the bed. He fell on his bed, but he stayed put at that position. His dhoti in relative disarray, the desi top he wore had its top buttons open.

"My queen!" He whispered lustfully.

"Your would be wife, Babuji" Her voice aroused as she waited for the patriarch to complete making her naked.


"Yes.. Babuji?" Rupa asked.

"I want you to take off those by yourself now. Be naked, be my bride."

Rupa remained shaking were she stood but made no effort to part with the remaining pieces of her cover.

Rupa was panting, her breath rapid, as she stood in front of her 'sasur' who would soon be her 'pati', her loving, passionate and virile husband. She was in ecstasy, bathed in a joy that she never felt before in her life.

Vijay Thakur looked and gaped at her in awe when she stood in the exotic pair of lingerie, interwoven in lace and net on the finest and softest material that made the pair. He ran his hands over her shoulders again, kissed her on the milky whiteness, nibbled at her earlobes.

As he sat on the bed, Vijay Thakur's powerful big hands had run down her naked arms till they went behind her at the waist and gripped her panty covered soft butt curves. He was in an extreme stage of arousal as he felt the soft ass. He murmured again the words that he had uttered a while back. Words that would ensure the next stage of their union.

"Bahu, I wanted you to take off those by yourself now. Be naked, be my bride." His voice shook in lust and desire.

All this while Matasari stood behind, just a few paces away from the erotic love birds, the couple who would soon be united in marriage.

As Rupa hesitated Matasari came forward and whispered in her ears, "You must take off your clothes, all of them, and be fully naked. The next stage has come. You know what I told you earlier? What is required of you two before the marriage and consummation?"

Rupa nodded her head knowingly but didn't know how to tell this to her Babuji. Matasari had clearly explained something about the purity required in the 'lingam' for this type of marriage. And, through the maid, she now knew that the 'lingam' had to be bathed by Rupa to purify it from earlier sexual activities.

What Matasari had told her was that Babuji's lingam had been used extensively on his wife, when she was alive. Besides, it was not known if such a magnificent organ had penetrated other 'yonis' also. Quite likely it did, any woman who saw this edifice would desire it. So, before it now entered this young bahu's sweet yoni to sanctify this marriage, it had to be properly bathed.

"Babuji," she whispered, "I have to say something."

"Go on, I am listening bahu," he said.

Yet Rupa didn't have the courage to speak out. She fumbled and hesitated, looking away from the man.

"Come on bahu, don't keep me waiting," the patriarch said soothingly.

Rupa kept quiet till she informed, "Matasari was saying ..." But she couldn't say again.

This process of hesitation and insistence went on for a while before Babuji lost his patience and said, "I will hear it from you, not from Matasari. Tell me Bahu, don't keep me waiting," he said but now there was a sternness in his voice.

Rupa then explained that she had to bathe the 'lingam' because that was a specific ritual in gandharva marriage. Matasari quietly explained the need for the bath, namely to purify the man's organ because of the impurities formed out of sexual activities in the earlier wedlock.

The patriarch asked if it wasn't necessary to bathe the 'yoni' (vagina) too. It seemed that he was very keen on this, although Rupa was hesitant and felt it was not strictly a part of the ritual.

"Babuji, we always give bath with water to the 'lingam' when we offer prayers to the lord. But ... But...the other bath ..." Rupa was embarrassed and hesitant before she continued, "there is no practice of ..of ..ummm...bathing the ..the ... woman's ... " she couldn't complete but just pointed towards her crotch.

"But I so much want to," Babuji was disappointed at this refusal.

It was then that Matasari intervened, much to the patriarch's appreciation and liking.

"Bahurani, remember that your yoni too has been invaded and taken by your husband. The purity has been lost and, therefore, must be purified before you can enter the altar of marriage again. Your yoni too must be bathed so that the reproductive organs of both the man and the woman, who are on the threshold of union, are made pure," Matasari said assertively.

The patriarch was extremely happy at what Matasari said to convince Rupa about the bath. He was really eager to bathe her would-be wife. He took a liking to Matasari instantly and turned towards her.

"Matasari, you have said it correctly. I think you should become the purohit (priest) at our wedding so that you can tell us what we should follow and what we should not," Vijay Thakur said firmly. It was obvious that his decision was final.

"Yes, Master," Matasari said.

So Matasari became the priestess for the wedding by choice of the master of the house. No one could have given her greater authority to hold the post than the head of the family and, in this case, the groom as well.

"Malik (Master), since you wish that I become the priestess for this most sombre ritual, I will not decline but accept it as a responsibility that I will cherish. But, Malik, there are certain rituals and customs in this type of marriage which I know because I have been taught about it in my village by the village priest in confidence. Are you two willing to listen to an inferior maid?"

Both groom and bride agreed almost instantly and together nodded their heads and said, "yes, yes ...we want you to. You will not be thought of as a maid but as a priestess with due respect during the entire event. We will listen to you and follow whatever you say."

"Very well. The first thing is that while I remain the priestess, I shall call both of you by name only ... not as malik or bahurani. Do you agree?" Matasari asked.

"Yes, surely," said the patriarch and Rupa too nodded her head.

"And everything that I say and want you to follow must be obeyed without question," Matasari stated again.

"No doubt about it. We shall do so. You only have to express," once again the patriarch said.

"You shall respect me just as you would any priest in a religious ceremony," she said again.

"Yes Mata," the couple said together, almost promoting her to a position of respect through a change in name.

"You shall be addressed as Mata till completion of the ceremony and ritual," Vijay Thakur continued.

"To thik hain, aab shaadi ke liye tayari kiya jai (Then everything seems to be okay. We can now proceed with the marriage)," the priestess said.

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Rupa, it is necessary for you to be fully naked, without anything on your body, not even ornaments, before the bath. Which means you'll have to part with your bra and panties too. However, before you can lie on the bed for the actual gandharva marriage, you will wear the ornaments selected by your husband. Vijay Thakur, you too will have to shed off all your clothes and be fully naked," Matadevi said gravely.

The process of making Rupa fully naked was initiated by Matasari herself, who had already put her hands on the bra hooks behind the young bahu. Then she placed her hands on the young girl's shoulders and slowly pushed off the straps. Even then the bra clung on to Rupa's shapely breasts till the priestess deftly pulled it off and threw it on the bed. The priestess admired the exposed, proud and luscious breasts of the young, desirable Rupa, softly pressing the nips that sat on them a few times.

"So lovely, and full of milk too. This milk is essential for some part of the rituals later," Matadevi said. She had by now placed her hands on the two sides of Rupa's hips and the panties that she was wearing, slowly pushing in her thumb and began lowering it. Rupa shyly wanted to hold it back, holding on to it with her hands, but Matadevi would have nothing of it.

"No, No, Rupa," she chided Rupa, "don't you dare stop this. You have to listen to the priestess or your marriage will not be pure and not last long."

Rupa quickly put a hand on Matadevi's lips and shaking her head said," No, No, Mata, don't say like this. I will listen to every word that you say."

After that there was no problem and Matadevi lowered the panties down over Rupa's milky, white thighs and out from under her feet. She stood now just as god had made her - naked, without a stitch of clothing or ornament. Matadevi had taken a delight in taking these off the lustful bride. But then she quickly said something again that made Rupa shake her head.

"No Rupa, this will not do. You are fully covered with hair over the yoni region. That must be shaved fully so that there's no strand remaining. You go to the bathroom and shave it off and all traces of hair on your body excepting the hair on your head and hair that makes your eyebrows. Can you do it or shall I do it?" Matadevi said.

Rupa turned red once again, almost pleading for help from Babuji with her eyes. But the man just had an excited grin at the corner of his mouth. Probably, he was already imagining how sweet her bahu's bald pussy would look, and more so when it was leaking her juices. Rupa kept quiet and Matadevi quickly knew that the girl would not be doing this unless coerced and helped. She held Rupa's right hand and said, "Come Rupa, don't keep the groom waiting."

Matadevi held the young bride's hand and led her to the adjoining bedroom that was Rupa's. Once inside, she locked the door leaving the already aroused bridegroom alone and wondering. Inside Rupa's bedroom, Matadevi asked, "I know you shave your hands and legs Rupa, because I see your very clean and gleaming skin that appears so polished, so milky white. I know you shave because I have seen your razors and the gel inside the wall cupboard in the toilet. Do you have a fresh one?"

Rupa nodded her head without a word. Matadevi quickly brought what was required and spreading a big towel on the bed told the young, shy, coy girl to lie down on the bed. She was already naked excepting for the mangalsutra that Ajay Thakur had given her.

As soon as Rupa lay on the bed, Matadevi held the Gillette Venus Razor and, with a dexterity that only an expert beauty parlour attendant would possess, completed with ease a very difficult task. When Matadevi had finished, Rupa presented a completely bald pussy.

"There Rupa, you are ready for the pre-marriage shower," she said, running a hand over the area to feel the 'baldness'. Small shivers ran down Rupa's body - no woman had ever had a hand on the area before!

"Go and clean it with plain tap water in your toilet now. The ritual cleansing with Vijay Thakur will begin very shortly. I am going to Vijay Thakur's room and you come quickly," Matadevi said and went away.

Rupa cleansed herself of whatever public hair and gel that still impurified the area and then, slowly, and with the excitement that overcomes a young girl about to get married, walked into the adjoining room that belonged to her sasur. She was stark naked, excepting for the mangalsutra that dangled around her neck. She was a pretty and desirable girl but her present shyness made her look like a real goddess.

Vijay Thakur stared at the young woman. He must have felt happy that calling her bahu after the marriage would be more worthwhile. She came and stood shyly behind Matadevi, trying to cover her nakedness and her currently acquired baldness around her pussy from Vijay Thakur.

"We are delayed, we have no time to lose. The rituals must begin now. Vijay Thakur, it's time for you to become naked too," Matadevi said.

Vijay Thakur didn't take much time to shed off his dhoti, langot and vest. Rupa couldn't help but glance at the man. His 'lund' had already started showing off its prowess, jumping up and down.

She stretched a hand and held Rupa's right hand and then, walking up to Vijay Thakur, she held Vijay Thakur's left hand.

"You two make such a nice pair and the age difference between you two make it even better. But, let us go to the toilet and begin with the ritual," Matadevi said.

Inside the bathroom she asked, "Rupa and Vijay Thakur, before we begin, I want to ask one final time - do you both want to get married?"

Almost together both Vijay Thakur and Rupa said, "Yes, we want to."

But Rupa expressed her feelings more and continued saying, "I have already accepted Babuji as my husband. I cannot express the feelings that I have for him deep inside me." She raised her eyes and looked at the man before looking back at Matadevi.

"Very well. Vijay Thakur you shall sit on the Toilet seat, Rupa shall sit on your lap facing you. Her arms shall be on your shoulders and your hands will hold your wife's lovely, milk filled breasts. When you two are fully ready, you'll press her breasts and both of you will kiss as passionately as an eager couple would do. You'll declare your love for one another and that you long to marry one another. After that, the bath ritual will begin with Rupa bathing Vijay Thakur's lund and thereafter, Vijay Thakur bathing Rupa's yoni. Then and then only, you two will be purified enough for the marriage that will follow," Matadevi said in one breath. She truly directed the ceremony like a well experienced priestess.

Vijay Thakur was already excited as was clear from his large, thick, hard, black organ that crazily jumped up and down. He held Rupa's hands and together took the position that Matadevi had spoken of. Vijay Thakur rested his back on the seat as his sexy bahu came and sat on his lap with both her legs resting on each side of the man.

Rupa raised her hands and kept them on Vijay Thakur's shoulders. The man, on the other hand, raised his hands to pinch her nipples first before grabbing both the breasts in each of his large hands. Their lips had already come forward to meet, such was their arousal and passion. Their eyes closed in sublime happiness and in anticipation of what was to follow.

"Rupa, begin bathing Vijay Thakur's lund," Matadevi said in solemn seriousness. Rupa felt a bit shy and uneasy but Matadevi had come nearer and placed a hand on her back as she said, "Come, girl ... do not feel shy but begin what you must. And it's getting late."

It was then that Rupa began what was expected of her. Her bladder was too full already, she had not visited the toilet only for this purpose for a long time and so much had been stored inside. She was desperate for release and the time was now opportune.

"Bathe me Bahu ... I want you to," cried Vijay Thakur in a hoarse, suppressed voice that reeked of a deep need.

"Yes Babuji," said Rupa, wanting to bathe the very lovely 'lund' that would soon be her forever. The lund was furiously knocking near her crotch, as if begging for her to begin. She held the organ so that it was steady and straight for what was to follow.

Slowly at first, Rupa began to release what she had held back within the inner walls of her bladder. But then the water flowed like a gushing fountain. It gushed out, it was warm, and it created its own, almost musical, sound as it oozed heavily on to the greedy, hungry, live, length of rock-hard meaty shaft.

The sound of her squirting forcefully on to Vijay Thakur's cock reverberated around the toilet, as if telling all to keep quiet so that the bahu completed an important ritual.

Rupa could feel the excitement in Vijay Thakur's lund that was being bathed, almost uncontrollable in thirst and she held it dearly with her hand to steady the naughty phallus. She continued to bathe it in all sincerity and love.

Vijay Thakur was becoming more and more excited, as he went on devouring her in passionate kisses, almost sucking her lips out of her mouth. His rough, coarse hands were wildly and roughly mauling her breasts. In moments, milk trickled out on to his hands from her breasts.

"Not now," barked Matadevi at Vijay Thakur. It was obvious that the priestess wanted to keep Rupa's milk ready for another purposeful ritual. Vijay Thakur stopped mauling her breasts, but quickly gripped her around the back as he kissed her hungrily. Rupa was in throes of desire ... she loved the man, she was a passionate woman and, she was in heat.

When Rupa was spent and her bathing of the lund was complete, there was a contentment in the erotic couple. She had purified the lund in a manner that was necessary before the marriage.

Matadevi excitedly told them that the job was only halfdone and that purification of the 'yoni' would have to begin immediately. There could be no brake in this intense ritual.

"You needn't get up or change your position either of you. Vijay Thakur it's your turn to bathe her but it's Rupa who shall hold your 'lund' with both her hands and will direct your flow over her entire yoni." Matadevi had spoken to give directions.

"Bahu, I am ready. Will I bathe you now?" Vijay Thakur asked.

"Yes Babuji." Rupa said softly.

Vijay Thakur once again held the young bahu in his arms and began kissing her very passionately, parting her lips with his tongue and pushing it into her wet mouth. Then, he started to release himself and Rupa too, as she held the organ, instantly directed the hot jet all over her crotch, wetting the vulva lips, the pussy, and even her small rosebud. She was truly being purified by her would be husband. She didn't feel any remorse or disgust or regret. She could feel how much Babuji was liking this because the'lund' wanted to tear out of her hands in extreme arousal.

"Oh bahu! Oh bahu ... my sweet, sexy bahu!" he went on saying as Rupa felt her own surging needs rising rapidly.

"Yes Babuji! Cleanse me, for you who shall soon become my 'patidev' (husband)!" Rupa said in earnest.

When the bath was completed, when both the yoni and lund were fully purified for the rituals that were to follow, Matasari said in a serious voice.

"You two lovers shall now dry yourself with your towels. But remember, while you can wash your hands with soap and water, you are forbidden to wash that region with water. It can only be made dry, that's all. And after you have finished drying yourself, Vijay Thakur will go and wait in your room. Rupa, you shall go to your room and wait till I come," Matasari was being very authoritative.

Rupa quietly, without another word, slowly walked away to her room. Matasari and Vijay Thakur left the toilet and went into the bedroom that belonged to the patriarch.

"Vijay Thakur, please take out all the ornaments that you wish your bride to wear for her marriage with you. I'll go and put them on your wife. ... she is pretty, obedient and very, very sexy, let me tell you," Matasari said, "and both of you would make the most wonderful and erotic couple I can imagine."

Vijay Thakur went over to the steel almirah at the corner and opening the door first and locker next, he searched for the ornaments he wanted the bride to wear. When he had finished making his choice, these were what lay on the center table beside the almirah. Matasari looked at them curiously.

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